The Lake Party

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This chapter is dedicated to one of my most loyal readers, @leviwckd , I just wanted to say thank you so much for sticking through my stories, even though some of them aren't the best.


Sam and I raced down the empty streets, both of us letting out almost a crazed type of laughter.

"Hey Sammy boy, mind changing the station?"

"I told you not to call me that" he grumbled, sending me a quick glare before reaching towards the radio.

".:Take me to your heart, for it's there that i belong!!!:."

"To loud Sammy!"

"That wasn't me!"


I fell onto my bed with a heavy sigh, snuggling my face into one of the many pillows i own, rolling myself into a Blanket-Burrito of sorts. The warmth of the blanket and the coolness of the AC was lulling me into a drowsy state.

"Its just going to be me and you, Mr.bed, all summer long....." i muttered, snuggling more into the many blankets and pillows that adorned my bed.

It was stress relieving to say the least, not having any assignments that you have to get done last minute or the worry of having to deal with drama the next day at school. That's why summer is my favorite time of the year, well, in all honesty its mainly because i like going to the beach and watch the hotties swim as well as play sports.

Just kidding..........Maybe ;) 

All and all, so far that is, my summer was going great

That is until my door suddenly was slammed open.

"Alright (y/n), time to get your lazy ass out of bed, we're going to a lake party!" my brother announced, waltzing over and completely ripping all of my blankets and pillows off of the bed, accidentally taking me with it, causing a shout of surprise to escape my lips. 

"Go by yourself SAM" I replied swiftly, incredibly irritated that my peace and quite was ruined because my brother wanted to go to some stupid lake party.

"Oh come on (n/n), Your our only ticket into the party" Sam pleaded, helping me off the ground.

"Oh, so the only reason you want me to go is because you want a pass to get in, right?"

"Exactly wh-, NO! That's not what i meant! Its not like that at all!"

I sighed in exasperation, shoving Sam away as i begun to pick up my blankets and pillows, dumping them on my bed with a huff. "Fine, ill go with you on one condition"

"Yes! Anything at all." Sams face lights up with excitement, as he pulls me into a big hug.

"You have to tell me why you want to go to one of Trent's parties. That guy bullies you constantly, so i cant see any reason as to why yo-" I stop in my tracks, studying his facial expression silently before a look of realization mixed with annoyance washes over my face

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Your going to that party to stalk Mikaela?!" I ask in exasperation, throwing my hands in the air dramatically 

His face flushes a deep scarlet as he struggles to get speak

"I-! I'm n-not going there to stalk her! I'm going there talk to her! that's right, i'm going there to talk to her"

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