No Sacrifice, No Victory

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"Oh you got to be Fucking kidding me!" I growled, earning the panicked attention of my twin brother and Mikaela.

"What?! What's going on?!"

"It's the same ugly ass cop from before, you know, the one who tried to rip you a knew one" I reply nonchalantly, my facial expression twisting as the familiar police car got closer to Bee and the other bots.

"Oh no no no no!" Sam practically crawls over Mikaela as he checks out the back window, eyes widening at the sight of it. "Bee you got to block him! Block him Bee, block him!" 

My brother was full on panicking now as he started tapping furiously on Bee's steering wheel, aggravating both myself and said mech.

Bumblebee tried to let Sam know what he was doing is not helping via radio, but my brother ignored the mech and continued to tap away at his steering wheel in a blind panic. Finally Bee just gave up, the rear-view mirror turning to me in a silent plea for help. 

I nod my head with a small smirk, leaning forward as I tap Sam on the shoulder much like what the male was doing to Bee.

"Samuel James Witwicky, I swear to every god above if you don't stop being a pussy assed BITCH of a backseat driver I will come up there and personally kick you OUT of this vehicle." I threatened, a sickeningly sweet smile adorning my features. 

My brother stopped all of his movements, slowly turning to me with a fearful expression before sitting down gently; the male going completely silent.

"There you go love, one very quiet Samuel. Now do what you do best cutie!" I lean back and pat the plush leather seat softly, a warmth spreading throughout my hand as the mech rumbled in appreciation.

All of this commotion seemed to have alerted gadget, who was comfortably cuddling into the crook of my neck. The small mech sat up slightly, wiping away at his eyes as he gazed at me in slight confusion mixed with concern. 

"Everything's alright buddy, no need to worry abou-" My statement was soon cut off by a sudden crash to the right of us, Bee swerving sharply out of the way as a black sedan was thrown off of the road by the claw of a military grade construction vehicle.

"What was that about?!" Mikaela quickly questioned, turning to Sam and I with eyebrows furrowed.

Her question was  immediately answered as the vehicle transformed into an armored decepticon, the thing spinning around as it began to sprint after us, destroying anything in its way. 

Optimus transformed just as it was about to grab at Bee, tackling the decepticon. Both bots battling it out in a fight to the death.

The decepticon gets the upper hand, kicking Optimus off of himself as he tried to get up; But boss-bot was quicker, latching his servo onto the things leg as they both toppled over the edge of the highway.

I turn away from the fight, trusting in Optimus's ability. I was about to nudge at gadget, only to realize he was not on my shoulder anymore.

I look around the backseat in a practical state of panic, trying to find any clue as to where the little mech went. 

"You guys, I can't find gadget! Do any of you see him?! " I spoke up, the concern clear in my shaking voice. 

Both Sam and Mikaela turn around to look at me, glancing at each other before shaking their head. "I'm sorry (n/n), we haven't seen him"

I was about to say something else before a quiet whimper from behind me caught my attention. I turn around to face the trunk, peering over the seat.  

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