Police Station And Meteorites

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I glare at Sam from my seat next to him at the interrogation table before glancing my dad than at the cop in front of us, who was.............picking his nose..........


I groan, slamming my face on the table, thinking about how we got into this mess.


I followed Sam, who was zipping and weaving throughout the alleyway system before glancing back, a look of panic crossing my facial features when i saw that the self-driving Camaro was still following us.

I was about to yell at Sam before i came crashing into his back, groaning out of pain when we landed on the ground in a tangle of limbs

"Get off of me you lug nut!" I screamed at him, trying to get up before freezing when i saw why my brother had stopped in the first place.

We ran into a dead end

"Fuck me" I growl "This day could not get any worse"

And as if the gods themselves heard me, police sirens could be heard in the distance, coming closer to our current location.

"Double Fuck" I curse as i stand up, already knowing what the Officers would think when they see that the car has no driver

Sam finally notices the Police cars flashing lights and gets up with a sigh of relief, paging down the officers

"Good Your here! " Sam shouts walking forward before stopping when one of the Officers points his gun at us

"Let me see your hands!"

Sam starts shaking his head vigorously as i just stand there, accepting my fate

"No, no, no! It wasn't us! the guys inside!" Sam points at the car, the officers following his pointed finger before scowling, pushing forward.

"Let me see your hands" The same officer repeats before he slams my brother into the roof of the car, handcuffing him

The first officers partner walks up to me, giving me the same treatment as Sam, but for some reason i felt the Camaro rev its engine, Almost as if it was out of anger.

I get knocked back into reality when i'm harshly shoved into the police car with my brother, who looks like he was about to piss himself.

The two officers get into their car, driving off, most likely taking us to their station.

__Flashback End__

Oh how right I was, because before we knew it, the both of us were handcuffed to a metal chair with this jackass sitting in front of us, picking his nose like the gross prick he is.

He finally takes notice to the three of us quietly sitting there, taking his finger out of his nose and wiping it on his shirt

"okay you two, how about you explain to me why you stole that car?"

I was about to speak up but Sam beat me to it

"We didn't steal it! That demon Camaro was following us after we found out it could stand up" My brother explained poorly as i looked at him incredulously, knowing he probably sounds like he's on drugs.

"After you found out it could just stand up?" The cop repeats before shaking his head, grabbing two cups and putting them in front of us "okay you two, time to fill'er up, and no drippy drippy"

"Sir there is no need to have m-" our dad was cut off by the officer

"So what are you two rolling in, Whippets? Goofballs? A little wowie sauce with the boys?"

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