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"Hey!" Hoseok slaps Jimin's hand rapidly away from the chocolate bars, like a parent scolding a small, inattentive child. Jimin grabs his red hand and cradles it to his chest, accusing Hoseok of a terrible crime with his pouting eyes. Hoseok pops an eye roll, pushing the cart faster down the candy aisle. "We already have Charlie and his entire god damn chocolate factory at home! Get your sassy hands out of all that sugar!"

Jimin waits until Hoseok isn't looking before slithering his hand back onto a package of white chocolate covered wafers doused in pretty pink star sprinkles. He bites his lip as Hoseok turns around, quickly shoving the secret candy bar up his sleeve. Hoseok gives him a regulatory stare down, then clucks his tongue and moves on. Clearly, Jimin hasn't be out grocery shopping with him in a while, and Hoseok's need to reprimand his purple-haired, sneakish friend is high.

Just have to sneak this in the cart somehow...maybe under the toilet paper? Jimin makes it his mission to surreptitiously get the sweet that he wants, no matter how many times Hoseok tells him he's going to get diabetes with the sky high level sugar already coursing through his veins. Like a soldier going into enemy lines, Jimin's awareness of Hoseok's every move becomes heightened, the squeal of the shopping cart wheels the backtrack of his self-casted action movie. I'd title this movie: SugAR You Sure You Want to Do This?

"Hell yeah I am..." Jimin whispers at bags of gumdrops. Hoseok doesn't hear him.

"Do we have enough flour at home?" The duo exit the candy aisle, going into the baking and spices section. Jimin devises a plan for his secret chocolate scene in the rolling movie, knowing exactly how to get away with it.

 Jimin devises a plan for his secret chocolate scene in the rolling movie, knowing exactly how to get away with it

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"Hmmm..." Jimin sidles up next to the variety of flour bags on the shelves. "Now that I think about it, we don't. I'll grab some."

Hoseok nods, moving on to the spices with his carefully handwritten shopping list in tow. The squeal of cart wheels prompts Jimin to act, shoving his hand into the flour shelf. As his fingers wrap around the outside of the firm bag, the candy bar slides from his sleeve behind the flour. Perfectly out of sight. Now, as long as I position this in the cart the right way and distract him at checkout, I'll get an Oscar for my movie! And a chocolate bar!!!

Hoseok's too busy comparing different kinds of ginger to notice Jimin's antics--internally, Jimin cheers. The bag of flour sits nicely in the corner of the cart, obscuring the handpicked sugary bar from outside its netted cage. Hoseok will never know-

"Jimin! Come here!" Hoseok cries in desperation. Jimin snaps his head up with wide, guilty eyes, lips pressed together in the failure of being caught. As he's about to apologize, Hoseok holds out two different brands of soy sauce, an intensely bothersome question pressed across his confused features. "Which of these sauces should I get? I know you like this one, but for me it's too salty and-"

"Just get whatever one you want." Jimin walks away from the cart, to avoid being associated with the crime scene. Criminals never linger around the crime scene...that would be utterly risky! Or, it could be seen as overconfident. I bet Pluto would linger at the crime scene like some thug, even though he was just being innocently moronic. Pluto, a thug! It's a hilarious think to consider. Just like stupid thugs of yesterday's sushi level!

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