Beautiful cattos

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Heya.. Just wanna show teh cattos my friend and I saw and fell in love with..... Only one has loaded in so far but when the rest come in I'll update this chapter.

 Only one has loaded in so far but when the rest come in I'll update this chapter

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(Penelope my child she's got sass ^)

(Penelope my child she's got sass ^)

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(This chonker is Molly ^)

(This chonker is Molly ^)

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(This boi.. An adorable boi is Heiko.. He was the second to meet us. ^)

(More beautiful Dolly ^)

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(More beautiful Dolly ^)

(More beautiful Dolly ^)

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(And again Dolly... Sure seems like she's showing off ^)

 Sure seems like she's showing off ^)

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(This is Delilah... She was fixed today sooo she was kinda moody but loved us in the end ^)

 She was fixed today sooo she was kinda moody but loved us in the end ^)

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(More of Heiko.. My nickname for him was Aries.... Like the Zodiac. He's such a bean ^)

(And this pretty girl is Tulip

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(And this pretty girl is Tulip... She's a jumper if you get her excited enough ^)

 She's a jumper if you get her excited enough ^)

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And all of them at together.

Sam is Sebastian's brother but he adopted... So Sebastian is kinda lonely but his sisters and mom hopefully show up soon. TvT

Marie.. I couldn't get pictures of since my phone died but she always relaxed by the window and didn't want to disturb her.

Penny kinda likes to torment Delilah and Penelope.. But she means well. <3

Enjoy the pictures!

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