My Hazbin character's color palette

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Soooo.. I made a palette. For Hazbin.

Hopefully it turned out well.

Well, here it is

Hopefully it gives some Hazbin Hotel vibes

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Hopefully it gives some Hazbin Hotel vibes

I really want my character to not be a hybrid since there's already so many and are supposed to be rare but I was overthrown by wanting a fluffy tail.. So my character is a snow leopard, wolf, and raptor hybrid..

(I'll add in her picture when she's actually made)

Name: Unknown

Species: Snow Leopard, wolf, raptor hybrid

Gender: Female

Year of death: 2017

Relationship status: Single

Personality: Casual with a bit of angst. She enjoys being with Angel and drinking loads of alchohol but deeply regrets it later. When she hangs out with Charlie she knows to keep her emotional self distant to make sure she doesn't complicate things with Vaggie. When Alastor arrives she thinks about flirting with him but when she spys her dear friend Angel attempting to, (no name) realises that maybe Alastor isn't like the rest, and for that she keeps her emotions to herself but enjoys being around him and will gladly do anything for him. Whether it be to kill someone or to torture, as long as (no name) has a bit of the action she won't complain.

Looks: She has a wolfish face with purplish gray (grey) hair. Her tail is feathery and raptor like, she has snow leopard print running along her body and has wolfish sharp canines. There are two X's on her back (randomly placed) from where she was shot in the back by her boyfriend and a police officer.

Likes: Being around Alastor and Angel, biting people, showing her fangs, drinking alcohol, pleasing Alastor, and head pats.

Dislikes: Bothering Vaggie, water, hangovers, work, quiet music, boredom, being useless, and people touching her tail.

Abilities: Wide range for tail movements, strong biting, and sharp claws.

Powers: Summoning glowing green flames from her hands that can easily burn anyone.

Accessories: Unknown

Pet(s): Unknown

Other: She likes being called puppy, refuses to wear dresses ever, mocks Angel about not having a decent job, she enjoys watching Alastor from a far and makes sure that he sees her doing his bidding, and likes to cuddle with Charlie and hopes that Vaggie won't be jealous.

Biggest fear: Everyone turning against her for no reason.

Backstory: (No name) was a happy girl until she discovered that her boyfriend had been cheatimg on her with a coworker. (No name) decided to put an end to this quickly by following her boyfriend to his sidegirl's (I'll just call her Cotton) house, after slitting poor Cotton's throat (No name) realised that her boyfriend was only working with his coworker on an assignment. (No name) felt incredibly guilty and was about to leave the house but was caught by her boyfriend covered in blood. The anger and fear in his face proved that she had done something that could never be redeemed. (No name) begged her boyfriend to call the cops or to just shoot her down, she broke down in tears calling herself a murderer. Her boyfriend was conflicted, should he arrest her? Or shoot her down now? Her boyfriend stared at the gun in his hand. What should he do? He asked himself repeatedly. Soon he gave in and finally called the cops, (no name) was arrested. (No name) feared of being arrested and also had a fear of death both choices she had terrified her. The panic in her mind forced her to break away from the officers arresting her. She didn't get far before being shot down, not just by an officer, but by her boyfriend as well. He stared darkly at his now fallen girlfriend. I did that. He said. I shot her. He watched in fear as the life drained from his girlfriend's eyes.

She was no more.

Or so she thought.

(Rip now she's in Hell)

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