Pt. 1 Character Themes :P

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A friend of mine won't stop bothering me about what songs go with what character so I guess I'll just put them here.. (I appreciate suggestions too in case whoever is reading this knows more songs then I do)


1. Timber

(I see her being a dancer... That's why.)


2. Just (The wolf)

(Just is a sad boi)


3. Mortimer (this guy needs some love too)

(I didn't really have a song for him.. So this'll have to do.... And yes I do like this type of music, one of my favorites, Electric Swing another favorite :3)


4. Lolite (best girlie)

(I love Buttercup. Such a good song.. It's perfect for Lolite ÙwÚ)


5. Affinity and Tang (they have the same theme because I'm lazy)


6. Olix (the bean)

(This song literally is Olix. This song basically brought him to life.)


7. Marina (She picked out the song herself)

(This'll probably change depending on what Marina actually wants.)


8. Wren (Off limits for now until I figure out the species)


9. Mori

(Because of the Time Lapse animation meme)


10. Molotov (the explosive bean)

(She has a thing for burning shattered glass... Hm I wonder why)


11. Bone (her song is way too easy to find)

(Waaaay too easy)


12. Sharlet (My first ever dino.. Such a memory)

(My poor girl.. The first dinosaur to be revived but she'll never be free)


13. Millie (Also too easy)

(The song is perfect OwO)


14. [REDACTED] (She still doesn't have name)

(The song is way too perfect for her backstory.. No one can tell me it isn't..... Except myself of course)



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