I have a new boi (Millie)

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His name is Millie and I love him <3

He totally isn't inspired by Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls 0-0

He's a precious little boi.. Child... Thing idk but he's great.

Warning about the bases I used. I only edited the eye and the tail.. The rest is by the original artist.

I won't be using backgrounds for his colors won't blend in with that background.

Also he isn't that complicated. (-_-)

It's about five colors I think but he doesn't need have a complicated look to be adorable.

Anyway.. Imma show his pictures now, and maybe when I commission some art for this cute boi I'll put here too.

(I'll write his information after all the pictures at the very bottom of this "chapter.")

First is the very first picture I made of him.. It happened randomly actually. I wanted to make an adopt but made the cute boi on accident.

 I wanted to make an adopt but made the cute boi on accident

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Base: https://www.deviantart.com/morningwhisp/art/F2U-One-Eyed-Cat-Base-688586460


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Base: https://www.deviantart.com/cocoroll/art/F2U-cat-base-523934434


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Base: https://www.deviantart.com/snaildoki/art/F2U-simple-cat-base-760927910

And last but not least.. The boi's flame. I drew it myself with a reference. And I was so lazy that I just copied and pasted it on other bases. Drawing the eye was tedious enough... Trying to make it look right and all that.

 Trying to make it look right and all that

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And now his information.. That my friend helped me with :3
(Form originally made by Kenjo_Moonstorm)
Name: Millie

Gender: Male

Looks: A simple yellow cat with blackish brown tips on his ears and paws with one blue eye and a flaming tail

Personality: Relaxed unless agitated with a slight bit of mischief

Backstory: No one know's for sure how he came to be but he was found by Stanford back when he was exploring the weirdness of the town: Gravity Falls. Millie was so interested in him that he fallowed Ford all the way home and stayed with him ever since.. Until Stan and Ford had their last fight to ever happen for the longest time. After that Millie stayed with Stan.. Though the guy had no care for Millie whatsoever Stan decided to keep Millie around for company. Until the Pines Twins arrived. since then Millie had stayed distant but not far to where he disappeared. Millie seemed to have found another interesting person.. One that may have to replace Ford. The human went by the nickname "Dipper." Though Millie didn't believe for that to be his real name he would have to deal with it for now. Dipper's twin "Mabel" seemed truly concerning to Millie.. Eating glitter and bedazzling everything around her. She truly was a mystery, as strange as the ones in the forest and such.

Likes: Sleeping in the sun, sleeping next to Dipper while he's asleep and running away just before he wakes up, watching the birds, and talking with Gompers and Waddles.

Dislikes: Loud noises, annoying people (Mabel is an exception due to being Dipper's sister), water, being pet in the wrong spot, and being left alone for too long (Ford leaving gave him some kind of PTSD)

Abilities: The movement and size of his tail flame shows his emotions..

E.g., anger causes his flame to flare up and become intense. Though if he's upset in some way his flame will flicker and struggle to keep a blaze. If Millie is neutral his flame will stay at a medium height. If he becomes depressed his flame will die out completely and someone will have to light it manually.

Powers: None

Accessories: None

Pet(s): None

Other: N/A

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