Chapter 1

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 "Another night-time robbery has been reported, and, unfortunately, the infamous group most commonly known as The Fakes is still at large. Police continue to search for them unsuccessfully as-" The reporter's voice stops abruptly as the television is turned off, a loud sigh of boredom erupting from your lips. To be honest, you were tired of always hearing about the Fakes on the news. Sometimes you wondered if they blamed every little mishap on the well-known, yet evasive, group. The Fakes were so commonly reported on that you could list off their known members and perhaps even a few physical traits of each. Fortunately, you've never actually come across them in any of their heists, but that's because you weren't stupid, and knew how to survive in a major city like Los Santos.

There were six, total, that showed up on the news most frequently. Two went unnamed, typically only recognised by their voices, recovered on lost cameras and/or the receiving end of lost communication devices. The others were known best as Vav, Mogar, X-Ray and the Vagabond. You noticed, one day, that you heard less and less of X-Ray, and more and more of a new man, with the unusual name Rimmy Tim. You figured the former was killed or wounded, and the latter was simply a replacement or back-up. Based off of police recordings of chases, Vav and one of the unnamed voices commonly manned escape vehicles. Vav typically managed to find some way to fuck up the Fakes' plans, or got himself hurt in the process, wearing only tinted shades to hide his identity. Mogar was violent, but not murderous. He tended to go for the intimidation effect on his victims, having a loud, booming voice and typically wearing a bear mask. X-Ray was the sniper- he usually covered his crews' backs, and helped them escape when they were on the run. He didn't say much, but there really wasn't much to be said. He wore a white masquerade mask that covered his upper face and nose. When X-Ray left, he was replaced with Rimmy Tim, an eccentric and loud man, who had the ability to be smart and make quick decisions, but also made himself seem like a strange mix of Mogar and Vav's personalities. He wore an outlandish suit of purple and orange, with a cowboy hat and tinted shades to hide his face.

The other three, consisting of the two unnamed and the Vagabond, were clearly the ones that should be feared more. There was a male voice and a female voice. The female rarely got herself involved in drama, but she was exceptional at maneuvering airborne vehicles. She was always right there to back up the rest of her team, and usually ended up being the only reason any of them ever got out alive. The male seemed to be the leader. You'd think that being the ringleader of an infamous heist group would mean that the decisions he'd make would be more logical and not so... reckless- but the recordings that the police had managed to pick up relayed only screamed directives to "Get the fuck away!" and "Hide, asshole! They're gonna find us!" and "Vav, you fuckin' prick, get back here! I need to get in that damn copter!" Although he was the leader of them all, he was far from being the most feared. The final known member of the Fakes... The Vagabond. Just thinking about the way he would grin knowingly at the cameras in each of the places they robbed, the way he mercilessly murdered every civilian he came across... It made you shiver in dread. The man was absolutely out of his mind, no doubt about it. He had no sense of humanity left in his cold, dead eyes. His face was covered in red, black and white face pain, making the shape of a skull across his mouth. He also commonly wore a black mask, also a skull shape. All you really knew about the Vagabond was that, should you ever come across him in one of his heists- which you hoped to God that you never would- you would have no choice but to accept your fate and let him kill you.

You sighed and shut off all the lights in the main rooms before heading to your room and going to bed. You had a long day of work ahead of you, and there was no way you could afford being late again. You had a habit of ensuring all your doors and windows were locked before sleeping, despite being on the fourth floor of a decent apartment. Again, you were well accustomed to the city life, and you wouldn't be making any rookie mistakes any time soon. The apartment is small, but it works for you, since you have no partner and never intend to have one. You didn't mind as much as most would think- you really just never had the time to worry about lovers. It was okay. You've been lonely for your entire life, so this was nothing new. Some could say you even prefer it this way. You fall asleep with a content smile, wondering idly about how your day will go.

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