Chapter 8

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You wake up slowly, opening your eyes and looking around with a soft sigh. You sit up and pull your hair out of the bun that it's been in since the previous day, fluffing your hair and exhaling again. Your head is pounding, and you can't tell if it's because you're hungover or if it's because you're not. You place a hand on your head, leaning over slightly. A short glance to your right reveals a glass of water with some aspirin beside it. There's a small note, too.

You reach for the medication and take it quickly, cringing at the pain it causes to move so fast. You read the note a short moment later, humming quietly. "Figured you'd want this after drinking so much every day." There's no signature, so you assume it was Lindsay or Jack. Maybe Jeremy, but probably Lindsay. You lie back down and close your eyes, waiting for the medication to kick in before bothering to do anything. You've already taken note of the dead silence throughout the suite, so you figure everyone is sleeping, or they've gone out in celebration for their heist.

You think about your conversation with Geoff, frowning deeply. You'd show him... You can handle yourself... You'll just make sure to wake up early tomorrow, and listen in on their heist plans... You could do it... You could sneak your way onto the team. And if nobody knows, then nobody can stop you. You nod to yourself, biting your lip softly and getting up finally, heading to your closet. You change into new clothes and put on a bit of perfume, proceeding to the bathroom to brush your teeth. With a new sense of purpose, you're more motivated to actually take care of yourself.

You look over yourself in the mirror, then hum quietly. When you leave your room, you see Jeremy exiting his room, too, looking exhausted as hell. You greet him politely, understanding that being too cheery might irritate him. He waves a bit, then gives a big yawn as he stretches. He glances at you, and then pauses and actually looks at you, his eyes immediately brightening. "Hey! Feeling better? We missed you, bud," he says happily. You give him a small smile. "Yeah... I have an idea, and it's giving me a new motivation, so..." you trail off, not wanting to give too much away. He nods a little. "That's great! We'll all be happy to have you around again," he says.

You walk with him to the kitchen, each of you getting your own bowls and getting some cereal, talking quietly. "Hey, Jer?" you ask softly. "Yeah, what's up, (Y/n)?" He looks at you curiously. "Do you guys have like, a specific room or something where you keep your devices and whatnot? I, uh. I asked Geoff to join you guys on heists, but he said no until I was doing better. In the meantime, though, I want to familiarize myself with the stuff so that I'm not clueless when the time comes." You smile brightly, trying to seem as innocent as possible. He seems hesitant to tell you, but reveals that they keep their stuff in their rooms. When he sees you frown, he offers to let you borrow some of extra stuff for a bit, with the stern condition that you return it when you're done with it. You agree quickly, and thank him excitedly.

"You're the best, Jer. But shh, don't tell anyone I said that," you smile brightly, standing and giving him a quick hug. He waves it off as if it's nothing, but for you, it means a lot. It's the first step to being able to participate in their next heist. You finish your breakfast quickly and wave to Jeremy as you head out of the kitchen, humming to yourself happily. When you pass through the main room, you see that Michael, Gavin and Geoff have awoken, and they give you varying expressions of confusion and surprise to see you in such a different mood from the previous few days.

You wave at them and join them at the couch, plopping down and staring at the screen. "What are you guys setting up?" you ask, smiling at them. "Uh, we're just setting up to do a bit of MC. Wanna watch? Or join? Up to you," Gavin responds, offering a controller. You shrug, and push the device away. "I'm okay with watching, don't mind me." You glance at Geoff, and then Michael. "So, you seem to be in a much better mood," Gavin points out bluntly. Michael shoves him roughly and glares at the Brit, before turning back to you in slight curiosity. "Oh, y'know. Finally have some motivation to actually do shit." You shrug, as if your behaviour from the past few days has been nothing too serious.

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