Chapter 4

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[A/n]: Major Time Skip. You've been warned.

It's been a little bit over a year with James. It's been the best time of your life. Everything just keeps getting better and better every moment that you spend with James Haywood in your life. Not a day goes by where you aren't in contact with the man in some way, shape or form. You adore him, and you know he adores you, and everything has been going smoothly and happily since the day he asked you to be his girlfriend.

You had nothing to complain about the man. He was gorgeous and well-kept, and his air of superiority was never too overwhelming. The days you spent with him were filled with lots of spoils and affection. Generally, he was the perfect guy. The only issue you had with him, really, was how little he seemed to tell you. Every other week, he would disappear every night for days in a row, and then the following morning on the last day, he would have random cuts and bruises all over his face and body. You thought that maybe the parties his family hosted were just a bit rough and rowdy, so you never said much about it, but he'd get super sketchy whenever you outright asked about it.

On this particular evening, you were finishing a night out at the park with James when he got a text and frowned deeply. Having been seeing him for over a year already, you knew what that look meant and sighed quietly. "It's okay. I'll get home safely on my own, James, I promise," you say, trying to hide the disappointment. He nodded a little and gave you a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek before waving goodbye and hurrying away to his car.

You knew you didn't have to worry about there being another woman in his life. If you ever asked or doubted James, he could usually tell, and always showed you the messages if he felt it was necessary. You also never snooped around behind his back, and he showed you the same respect. If you were worried, you talked to him about it, and vice versa. Everything was going great.

You got into your car and checked the time, humming quietly. You knew better than to stop anywhere this late at night, but as you started your car, your stomach growled softly. You wanted to stay patient and wait until you got home, but your hunger started distracting you from driving so you pulled into the nearest gas station and shut the engine off. You glanced at your phone again. 11:38pm. The late nights together were common between you and James. He kept you safe and usually took you home, so you never worried about the time when you were with him. This was the first time you were alone this late at night in a long time.

Shaking your head, you got out of the car and made your way into the store, browsing quietly. Your mind vaguely registered the sound of a large vehicle pulling into the parking lot, but you related it to a van, and figured that maybe a traveling family was making a quick stop. Something in your gut tightened slightly, however, so you subtly moved out of sight of the door and pretended to continue browsing from there, looking for something quick to eat in your car to hold you off until you got home.

Rather suddenly, the front door to the station is opened, immediately followed by, "Put your hands in the air, motherfucker." The clerk gasps and raises his hands quickly, visible just barely from where you stood. "That's right, bitch. Gimme all the money, and make it quick. We got other places to be," the voice continues. It's hard to describe the voice other than being male. He sounds rather young, but his voice is deep enough to know that he's gotten through his 20s. "Mi- uh, Mogar- good Lord that's a silly name- is it really necessary to be so aggressive with the gun?" A slightly higher voice quipped, with a slight British accent. "Shut up, Vav. You know intimidation causes them to move faster, dumbass."

There's silence for a while, and then gunshots ring throughout the store, and the clerk screams, immediately followed by a thud. You drop to the floor with a quick gasp, covering your head. A third voice suddenly pipes up, "Have we checked the store yet for any people?" The chillingly familiar voice causes the hairs on your neck to rise, and your eyes widen. You stand up quietly, poking your head around. "James..?" You ask quietly, not even trying to hide your shock, mixed with fear and sadness.

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