Prologue: The Mother's Dream

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"I watched it all happen before my eyes."

Children murdering their own parents was among the worst sins to be committed in her eyes. But she could do nothing to guide her children. She could only wait in this endless dream for something, anything to happen so she might finally awaken and do as she felt was necessary for a mother to do.

"Is my love mistaken? Have my children strayed too far from my reach?"

She lamented in her near eternal dream. She had been forsaken by her own children. Her own flesh and blood had rejected their mother and gone so far from her gaze. She could no longer catch them if she tried.

As she dreamed she saw visions of one of her children. Her heart broke as she saw the things he did. She screamed as she watched him cut open his own child and treat him as nothing but a lab rat.

She could not bare the pain of watching such a frail child being tortured in such a manner.

She wept, she screamed, then finally... She stopped.

Her tears were ended when she stopped watching. She saw the atrocities committed upon her children by one another and eventually she turned her gaze from them. But then it happened. Something caught her gaze. She turned her eyes back to her children and saw him.

A young man, standing beneath the remains of a broken holy grail. Within him she sensed the one who helped her raise her children. Her spouse. Her mate. Her everything.

"Abzu? Have you finally returned to me?"

Her eyes welled with tears once more and hope returned to her as she watched. Finally, she was able to temporarily escape her purgatory as he faced a beast from the seas of Greece. Using what little power she had, she destroyed the creature.

Later, she found herself able to do it again and she was able to manifest herself to aid her husband.

When she came face-to-face with him for the first time, she recognised him as the boy who had been cut open by his own father. She felt saddened, but the overwhelming pride she felt for the child to overcome such agony far outshone her sadness.

She sensed her husband as his mind faded into unconsciousness and his host finally succeeded the god. She grieved for her husband, but she found herself eagerly awaiting the man who would return for her. When the seven became eight, she smiled for the first time in millennia she found herself excited to finally meet his gaze after so long.

All her sadness. All her grief. All her screams. They were all finally silenced and replaced by her anticipation. Her longing. She watched him become a knight that ran with the wolves and she was watching when he drew the sword of the eternal oath and the black scythe of undying loyalty.

Her gaze remained on him as he drew ever closer to her when finally it happened. She heard one of her children who had been brought back from the dead saying something interesting.

"Make sure you rest well before you're sent to the age of gods."

Finally, he was coming for her. He would soon be within her reach. He just had to deal with the two most prominent threats. The snake and the seven headed beast.

"I know you can find me. I eagerly await your arrival, my dear Y/n."

Within the depths of a cavernous fortress, a person stood before a giant mass of scales and anger.

???: "Mother, I can assure you. They will be arriving soon. We can enact our plan when they do."

???2: "You had better be right about this. The mages from the observatory are far too much of a threat to be ignored."

???: "Worry not, mother. They will be taken care of."

The giant being nodded as the other person began to walk away to intercept the arrival of the Chaldeans.

When they left, she turned to someone standing not too far away.

???2: "I assume you heard him, VI?"

The person who was hidden in the darkness of the cavern merely giggled.

???3: "Sounds like it'll be interesting. Especially when he arrives."

???2: "Oh? You know one of them already?"

???3: "Fufufu~ Put it this way, we'll have II, IV, VI and VIII in the same place at once. Regression, Violence, Sin and Eternity all in the same singularity. I wonder just how things will play out."

Her giggling turned into full on laughter as the giant being sighed.

Elsewhere, within a palace that shone like gold, a woman approached the throne of the king that gave up his quest for immortality.

???: "My king. I have news."

The king opened a single red eye and gazed down boredly at the woman.

???2: "Speak."

???: "The mage has confirmed that the observatory has turned its gaze to Uruk."

A smile broke onto the king's face as he stood from his throne.

???2: "Finally. It certainly took them long enough."

The king snapped his fingers and a group of four servants appeared nearby.

???2: "I want the four of you to prepare. The mages from the observatory have finally turned their gaze to us."

The one that wore a helmet and gave off an aura of pure testosterone spoke first.

???3: "I shall return to the wall and prepare for their arrival if that is where they will appear."

The one that wore eastern style armour spoke next.

???4: "We'll stay in the city, but we'll increase the number of patrols."

Her companion nodded and prepared to leave when the last one spoke. A much shorter servant with a bratty disposition and a look that reminded the king of a banana.

???5: "I'm gonna go see if I can get some sweets."

The others sighed as she walked off.

Within the cedar forest to the north west of the city, a man walked with a girl close by. He sensed a ripple in the singularity and smiled as he turned his gaze upward towards the sky.

???: "I see they've finally come. Well, we better go greet them, Ana."

???2: "Fine. If it shuts you up for a while then we'll go."

The man laughed before he sensed a very familiar presence.

???: "Wait, is that... Me?"

???2: "Please, for the love of Athena no. One's bad enough."

The man laughed as they began to make their way towards the ripple in the singularity.

At the same time, the king had ascended to the roof of his palace. He smirked before raising his arms.

???: "So you're finally arriving, Chaldea. Fuhahaha! Very well. Welcome the the age where the will of gods and the deeds of humans coalesce, mages of the observatory!"

The stage had been set. The pieces were in play. The mother of life waited patiently for her mate.

The beast of eternity was ready to fully emerge.



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