Girls Day

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I wake up, with Rafe still asleep next to me. It seems early, from the way the suns hitting the window.

I stand up, walking out to the bathroom, looking in the mirror. I look like shit.

I wash my face and walk back out to the kitchen, with no one here. John B must've stayed at Wards.

I grab a glass of water and walk outside, sitting on the back porch, listening to the peaceful sound of birds chirping.

It's kinda nice just being alone out here.

"Well good morning." I hear Rafe say opening the door, yawning.

"I didn't think you'd be awake, you slept really hard last night." I say smiling as he sits next to me.

"I needed it." He says, "Can I have a sip of that?"

"Of course." I say, handing him my water.

"What are your plans today?" He asks.

"I'm probably going to see my brother." I say, "What about you?"

"I wanted to see, whenever you got ready, if you could take me to get some stuff for my arm. It feels worse this morning."

"Definitely, I just need to fix...this." I say pointing at my face.

"What are you talking about? You look beautiful, even in your big t-shirt and with your hair all messy. I prefer you looking like that over you getting all dressed up." He says with a smile.

"Thanks babe." I say, resting my head on his shoulder, looking at his burn.

"Even though you looked so hot the other night at Midsummers." He says, "We can still put that dress to good use."

"One day." I laugh.

"I'm ready to go whenever you are, not to rush you or anything." He says.

"We can go now, I don't want that to get infected or hurt worse." I say, starting to walk to the truck.

I open the truck door, seeing my keys still in the ignition. I grab a hair tie off of my gear shift, putting my hair in a messy bun.

I drive to the closest place that might have what he needs, which is the gas station, but it's worth a shot.

"I'll go in and get it, you just stay here, sittin pretty." He says, hopping out of the truck.

I watch him through the window, looking up and down the aisles, picking up little things along the way.

I plug the aux cord into my phone, playing my country playlist, sitting back and closing my eyes.

I hope JJ isn't right about him manipulating me. How could I tell if he did or not? I don't think he'd lie to me, and plus, he was crying last night. I don't think i've ever really seen him like that. He looked sincere.

"I got you a coffee, you looked like you needed one." He says, placing it in the cupholder.

"You didn't have to do that." I say, "You don't have the money to be spending it all on me."

"It's okay. You're the most important thing right now in my life. You get everything." He says, "Okay, I got all of this. I hope it helps."

"I think it will babe, I'll help you put the bandages and stuff on when we get home. It says they're good for 3rd degree burns, so.." I say.

I back out, and drive back to John B's, still with no van in sight. I'm kind of glad. I don't know how any of them would act with Rafe around. It probably wouldn't end well.

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