Promises are Forever

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"So, you guys are for real together now?" Pope asks, "What about no pouge on pouge macking?"

"Do we get a pass? I mean she did just get here." JJ says back.

"It's John B's sister, that makes her a pouge. I mean, I don't care, it's John B you're gonna have to talk to." Pope says.

"Well, you finally got what you wanted." Kie says, "I hate Rafe anyways. Always have, even when Sarah and I were friends before, he was always such a dick."

"I agree with you there." I say.

"Maybe this is a good thing. Maybe you'll calm JJ down a little bit." Pope says.

"I don't know about, calming him down, I could see them being crazy together." Kie says, "I mean, JJ's just stupid, but Alanna's smart, with a touch of not being scared of anything."

"Well, I'll have you know I'm scared of heights, and spiders." I laugh.

"Spiders? Really?" JJ asks.

"Yeah, them bitches got 6 more legs than I do. Plus they're just creepy." I say.

"John B pullin' a Houdini." JJ says.

"Yeah, where is he? I got my scholarship interview tomorrow. We gotta get this done!" He says.

"I hope he's okay." I say.

"Speak of the devil. Hey!" JJ says, as John B walks up, looking discouraged and like he'd been through hell.

"Dude, I set up the entire winch to pull up the gold and everything."

"No, he did not. I did that." Pope argues.

"Hey." I say, "Are you okay?"

John B goes inside, without even speaking to all of us. Something's up.

"Uh... what's that all about?" JJ asks.

"I was gonna ask you the same question."

"He's upset about something. He looks like something hit him hard. I don't know what though. I know the look"

"You all right, man? What... what's up?" JJ says, as he walks back out.

"What are you looking for?"

"Bro, what's going on?" JJ asks.

"John B, what do you need the gun for? Just... No" I say, trying to grab it out of his hand, "John B don't be stupid, talk to me, what do you need this for?"

"Ward knows about the gold." He whispers, "He killed dad." He starts to cry.

"Ward, killed dad?" I say, starting to feel a tear run down my cheek, looking confused at him, not believing this.

"He..he did it. He told me." John B says, taking off.

"John B, wait!" I yell, but he doesn't stop.

"Alanna, no, stop." JJ says, grabbing me back.

"Let me go JJ." I say, pushing him off of me, marching inside, looking for my knife.

"Not you too Lanna." Kie says, grabbing my arm.

"Look. Don't do anything stupid. I can't lose you over this." JJ says, "No, no. where are you going."

"Lans, talk to us. Don't do anything you'll regret. I know he was your dad."

"I never got to meet my dad because of him!" I yell, "Get out of my way."

"And what are you gonna do, he's not gonna let you near him. Kooks get away with everything Alanna, so seriously what are you gonna do about that?"

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