Letting Loose

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Howard couldn't be more angry at Nomirandy when school ended. "How could you embarrass us in Spanish like that?!"

"Because I'm Nomirandy," replied the doppelganger lazily.

"That doesn't make you have a title!"

"I. Don't. Care."

"Urgh...when Cunningham is back, I'm gonna make sure I'll forget you till the grave with that mindwipe thing in the Nomicon."

Nomirandy stopped checking out a group of girls and smiled deviously at Howard. "Oh hey, about that book, I don't suppose you could lent it to me..."

"NO WAY. I'm keeping it in my underwear pile the moment I get home-hey where are you going?"

"Letting loose." Nomirandy stared at the sunset. "Lovely world out there, perfect for stanking, don't ya think?"

He laughed as Howard looked on in horror as he Ninja-ed out, not bothering to hide anywhere. He was lucky no-one was around at this time.

He sprinted away, feeling freer than when he first broke free, freer than an eagle. Where would he go? What would he do? It was going to be a fun evening.


Nomirandy knew the best place to wreck havoc. He headed downtown, running across buildings with a grin on his masked face. Within an hour he'd already dented five cars and was driving half  the people there crazy. He didn't stop until he heard the Ninja being mentioned in a dark alley behind the McCineplex. Purposely to spice up the evening, he took off the mask and stepped casually into the alley, leaning on his katana.

"So what about the Ninja?"

The youths gathered in the alley whipped their heads around to see a fourteen year-old boy. "What the juice is your problem, shoob?" asked one of them rudely.

"Is it a crime to be curious? They say it's good for learning," Nomirandy crossed his arms.

"Look, kid, this is none of your business so buzz off." The tallest (probably the leader) turned his back towards Nomirandy.

"What's wrong? Afraid that your stuff is for 'older kids'? Because it's not my business?"

Nomirandy was getting closer to his goal.

Red-faced, the ruder youth snatched the boy's katana and examined it. "Who carries such a wonk object?"

"Give that back." Nomirandy was calm, although he knew perfectly well that there was no way they were going to give the katana back. This was exactly what he wanted.

"Oh, look who's playing the 'older kid'-ooofff!"

Nomirandy had smacked the other boy so hard with a single hand that the other fell face-down to the ground. The members of his gang stared. Then the leader blinked and growled menacingly. "Well let's see who's going to be the older kid now..."

Before the youths could advance towards Nomirandy, he ran up the wall sideways, jumped, and aimed a kick at the leader's head. The young man staggered, trying to keep his balance.

"Get him!" He growled. His gang members lunged for Nomirandy, but the boy was just too fast for them. He laughed as he watched the pathetic efforts of the youths to try and beat him up. This was just too easy.

One of the teenagers delivered a wasted blow to his stomach. Filled with adrenaline, Nomirandy flipped out of the way, did a handstand and swung his legs with such force at his attackers. The kid was good.

The leader wiped a trickle of blood from his mouth. "That's it, boy. You asked for it."

With a shaky hand he took out the dagger and pointed it at the fourteen-year old. Nomirandy could this was one of the extremely rarest times in which this guy had to use a knife. So did all his members. The rude youth was shaking, although he tried to hide his doubt.

Nomirandy fought not to laugh. These people were amateurs. The worst kind. But he, Nomirandy? His mind held at least one tenth of the most powerful Ninja knowledge passed down for centuries. After all, he was created in the Ninja Nomicon.

He flexed his fingers, gathering the ancient energy from inside the body of the chosen Ninja. Randy's body was slim, not too tall and flexible, but it could withstand for long. Good for battles. With Nomirandy's knowledge and Randy's fighting stature, he, Nomirandy, could ace any fight.

He was fast. Before the teens knew what hit them, two knives were gone and two knives had appeared in his hands. The katana was already slung across his back.

One of the youths called, " Like you've ever used knives before. I bet you've never even used kitchen knives."

Nomirandy tilted his head to an angle, a mischievous smile playing in his lips. They had no idea what he was with knives. If he could recall, a 14th century Ninja has used only kitchen knives when he had lost his weapons to defeat a stanked chef.

Nomirandy spun the hilt of both daggers before running straight into the centre and began swinging his arms around him like a helicopter's wings. The only injuries he got was a scar on his cheek and-


Nomirandy stopped at once. The effect of his knife swinging shield had caused uneasiness amongst the youths, so they did not approach him. He lifted his left hand slowly. His wrist was hanging limply at an unusual angle. It was twisted. There was no pain. He felt no pain. He was just fascinated but this kind of injury, of which he had never obtained before.

To the youths' horror, they only watched as this strange, fighting machine boy turned his left hand around. Like really around. By some unexplained Ninja art of Heal, the entire flesh and bone of his left hand turned under the skin. You could see the shape of his thumb coming out of his palm as it moved.

The entire gang screamed in horror, disgust, pain, gore and freaking out all rolled into one. Less than a second later, they tore out of the place. Nomirandy blinked once or twice. Then he shrugged and slide out of the place as if nothing happened. "Meh."

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