Chapter two: The Stems

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"Hmm. Never heard of it. But, to be fair I hadn't heard that Sweet was taken down until only an hour ago so maybe i should talk around more…" You rambled to yourself. 

"Here we work tirelessly to protect our music from Ultralak." The cloaked guy said as the six of you borded a little elevator, you descended to the ground where all of the others were working. 

Through a small opening they wheeled in Cyborgs bike and began to work on removing things, you jumped forward and extended your arms in a protective manor, the other titans jumped behind you, you bared your teeth and growled at the others. 

"Don't touch that, fool! This bike belongs to Cyborg!" Beast boy scolded the little people as they retreated from the five of you. 

One of them still stood close to you, you leaned down and whispered. "If you take anything off that bike I will bite out your throat and feed it to your spouse." You lashed your tail as he ran away screaming. 

"We can't turn it into weapons and instruments to help our cause?" The leader, you presumed, argued. 

"This… is all we have left if our friend." Robin said somberly. 

Raven stoked forward, still a little ways behind you. "Now back off." Black magic pulsated around her fists, you growled at them once again. 

"Don't make me make this personal, I protect the innocent and make music for the people, if you harm this bike I'll count it as a crime against my tranquility, and trust me, you do not want me after you." You flicked your tail quickly and it made a whip sound. 

"O-of course! We might as well hand this back as well!" The leader gestured and two more of them walked up holding your broken guitar. You snatched it and looked back at the leader. 

"You are forgiven." 

"I can not believe out dear friend Cyborg is the dead…" Starfire began to cry, Raven joined them in a small vigil, you walked in front of them. 

"He's still here, guys, I can sense his soul." You smiled. "I don't know where but he's watching out for us." They smiled slightly, only being reassured for a moment. 

"I miss him already." Raven laid a hand on his bike. 

"Ultralak is gonna pay for what he did!" Beast boy frowned. 

"We'll do it together, I'll be by your side until we get justice for him." You held out your arms, Beast boy hugged you tightly. 

"Thank you." He whispered. You hugged back and pat his head. 

He might be older in the real world, but in here everyone still has a young mindset, even you. 

"Tell us how we can take him down!" Robin demanded, Beast boy let go of you and wiped his face. 

The leader stared for a moment then nodded. He led all of you to a room with another instrument in it. 

"There is only one way to defeat Ultralak. It's detailed inside this melody." The little man began to play the instrument, you watched with disinterest. 

Sparkles began to come out of it and the old man started his story. 

"Long ago, four members of B.E.R combined their energies to create a song filled with limitless power." The sparkles formed a small show, you and your band friends all next to each other, arms raised, a orange ball of light spinning energetically. 

"It wasn't long before they began to fear what might happen." Your own figure was standing on a cloud with the rest, hands hovering over the ball. 

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