Chapter Seven: I was glad to have you

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(you can watch the video above to see where I got my inspiration for your design from)

Wind stirred up snow from the ground as you and the titans struggled your way up the mountain. The trail you walked on was thin and there would be barely enough room to turn around. You were behind Beast boy, with Cyborg just behind you. 

Beast boy shivered then collapsed on the ground, and and Cyborg moved a little faster and got to his side. 

"Are you ok!" You asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. 

"For sure, just a little c-cold." He stammered. 

He looked up at the peak and his eyes filled with determination. 

The next part of your journey was to climb the mountain. Everyone grunted as they were weak from the walk, but everyone managed, even Cyborg who was using grappling hooks to pull himself up. 

Robin was the first to reach the top. Once you had made it up you grabbed the chain from Cyborgs bike and pulled him up the rest of the way. 

When you turned around you smiled. Fountains came from the side of the mountain, right here statues of you, Will, Frank, and Carl were, the fountains flowed over your shoulders. 

Pillars guided your way to the pedastles in which the stems belonged to call you and the other band members, a small pond around them.

The titans opened their eyes wide and stared in awe as they walked towards the pedestles and up the stairs. 

"Pretty impressive isn't it?" You smiled looking at the skulpturs. 

"This is wicked yo!" Beast boy replied. 

All of the pedestles corresponded with their stems, they had skulpturs of each band members instrument in their color. Yours was purple with your double necked guitar. 

"Now that we have all four stems, only a member of B.E.R." Can put the song back together and wield its power." Raven said, each titan took out a stem, and you held onto your own. 

"Doesn't that mean you can put it together, (Y/n)?" Starfire asked. 

You shook your head. "We don't even need my stem, they always included me in everything even when I wasn't around, I wouldn't feel right putting together all their hard work. But, if we need the extra power, which I doubt we will, I'll put my stem into my pedestal and add my extra spice to the song." You tucked away your stem. 

"I respect that yo." Beast boy patted his chest. 

"Time to call in the band." Robin smiled at you, then turned and walked towards Will's pedestle. Raven at Carl's, and Beast boy to Frank's. 

"Drums." Raven put the orb in. A stream of red light went under your feet.

"Guitar." Beast boy put his in, a stream of green light came through. 

"Bass." Finally Robin put his in, a stream of blue light going towards the middle.

They all backed up and gasped as all three light turned white, they glowed brighter as well. 

"This is the power of music!" You crossed your arms, widened your eyes, and smiled widely as three giant beams opened up into the sky to call upon your old friends. 

You heard dark laughter erupt from behind you, and unexpectedly Ultralak stood behind you. 

"Ultralak?" Starfire said with a questioning tone, but why would it be questioning? He's literally right there that's obviously him there's no need to ask. The idiocy with this team drives you crazy sometimes.

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