Chapter One: Raiders, Zealots, and Scavengers

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     The image above is a map of Remnant with all of the capitals of each Forge Empire. A Forge Empire is a collection of forges (underground villages) under the rule of one larger forge. Each Forge Empire is based off one of the seven major Forgeworlds from 40k, and some had their color changed. For reference: gray is Mars, blue is Graia, orange is Ryza, white is Metalica, black is Stygies VIII, green is Agripinaa, and red is Lucius.

     The major thing that you might be confused about is the technological gap between the forges and kingdoms. For example; while a galvanic rifle has more raw power than a basic Atlesian rifle, it has a list of downsides that makes it not commonly used. All ad mech weaponry use liquefied dust as ammo - which is difficult to produce and highly volatile -, and liquefied dust slowly erodes the internal components of the weapon, forcing repairs and cleanings to be more often. The four kingdoms do know that the forges exist but they usually ignore each other to simplify matters, as for the rest of the history behind the forge empires and kingdoms I prefer to show you rather than tell (but I will be happy to explain any questions you have about the forges).

Speech Syntaxes:
     +Speech+ Lingua-Technis
     "Speech" English
     'Speech' Thoughts

     The harsh winds of Vacuo combed across the lifeless dunes as the sun observed all from the top of the sky, it's unforgiving rays of light leaving no area unscathed. Ali Hardin - an aspiring tech-priest - scanned the shifting sands atop of his cybernetic mount. His thrice blessed radium jezzail rested safely across his back and an archeo-revolver securely fastened to his hip, as his squad of raiders trailed his path. It was a simple job, patrol the nearby desert for hostiles. For faith and forge. +Adept Hardin,+ cried out the alpha as he strode to his flank, +Auspex scans report unnatural shifting in the sands over half a click out. With splotches of quicksand

     Ali shifted his eyes to the direction of the disturbance, east. This was an unsettling omen from the Omnissiah indeed, for the organics and sietches live in the east. But a sign of misfortune will not stop him from his duty, for faith and forge. The orange clad adept ordered as he willed his mount to action. +Forward!+

     Antonio Gallo could feel the settled calmness in the air. It has been eleven years since the hoards of grimm have tried to bring Agripinaa to ruin, but rebuilding efforts were still in effect. A group of heavy repair servitors slowly repaired a shredded hab-block under his watchful eyes. It was a simple task - his presence is not even required -, but it kept him away from the attrition of the front lines. And when questioned by a superior of his purpose he can use the excuse of stopping gangs from scrapping the servitors, but a few misplaced rations keep the gangs a safe distance away. It was a peaceful and mostly uneventful life. Just the way he preferred it.

     The underground Martian highways were a beauty to behold in a multitude of shades of green, or at least Corin Gregori found it that way as his arachnid-esque leg augmentations clatter on the rocky floor. His teacher - Rune Priest Aleksander Vlahos - told him that this expedition was a religious retreat to the failed Valen colony of Mountain Glenn where he would learn of the destiny of the Forge Empire of Mars and the Adeptus Mechanicus as a greater whole. And Corin's small cogitators were overflowing with excitement, for rarely were the younger adepts allowed out of sanctioned areas. 'This is an opportunity for me to put everything I have studied and memorized for the past two years into work! Oh, I wonder which type of grimm I would kill first? A beowolf? No, they like the surface where the heathens are. Probably gonna be a creep, they prefer staying us! This is gonna be great and fun and nothing's gonna go wrong!'

     +Brother Gregori,+ the cold and stern voice of his mentor brought Corin out of his daydreaming. +Do not be so vocal next time you have one of your...meditations.+ The young adept was frozen where he stood in shock.

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