Chapter Five: Confrontation

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Speech Syntaxes:
     +Speech+ Lingua-Technis
     "Speech" English
     'Speech' Thoughts

     Kemp Frost was spending his free time doing something he should not be doing. Wandering, both in mind and body. His reclamation squad has found nothing of note since the Explorator acquired their STC, only scrap metal to feed to the Metalica war machine. While Metalica itself was not at war, it does not mean that the engines of wraith stop. For it was only 11 years ago that his home forge was strained with the civil unrest that was the Elucidan Schism, which was thankfully localized within the Priesthood of the Motive Force. The young adept allowed himself to recall his experience of it as he strolled down the winding streets of Metalica.

     'The monotone and emotionless voice of the state news channel's reporter told a story about major unrest within the local conclave of electro-priests that had started a month ago. She claimed that "All of this squabbling will blow over within a few days. There is nothing to fear under the protection of the Council of Magi. Hail Metalica. Hail the Omnissiah." His mother walked into the room with his lunchbox prepared, she glared at the vox which kept spouting the words of the reporter.

     "Kemp, what have I told you about listening to the news?" questioned the woman as she switched the vox to the religious music channel.

     The six year old retorted, "But daddy said I should." His mother muttered under her breath as she stared out of their apartment window. She sighed heavily before handing him his resupplied lunchbox.'

     Frost was brought out of his memories as he spotted a rare sight amongst any Forge - at least to his knowledge and experience. Golden robes with blood red edging. Instead of the familiar fist and hammer of Metalica upon their robes, it was a fortress with a lighting bolt surrounded by a holy cog. This group of ten secutarii and singular tech-priest were part of the Omnissiah's Blessed Ordo Reductor - a group who see the Omnissiah as the god of destruction and who are only loyal to the Emperor of the Adeptus Mechanicus as his executioners. If they were replaced by the local arbiter force, then a crowd would surely form, but that is not the case. The civilians kept walking past, only the brave daring a glance towards their direction. Another memory from 11 years ago came to Kemp as he walked a good distance behind the members of the Ordo Reductor.

     'He was running down the street with a group of four school students as he made his way to the local scola. They were all giggling with the boundless joy only found in a child as their lunchboxes clunked around within the grasp of their small hands. That was until Kemp's box fell out of his grip, clattering towards the entrance of a nearby alley. "Guys, wait up!" he futility called out as the students left him in the dust.

     As young Frost approached his lunchbox he heard a commotion from within the alleyway. He peered around the corner to see a trio of electro-priests stomping and kicking another elector-priest. Spat out curses and endless insults covered over the man's weak cries of pain. Before the child could do anything stupid a squad of five golden cloaked secutarii armed with unpowered arc mauls rushed into the alley and let loss their fury upon the assaulters. Kemp took this chance to run back to his friends, and avoid the dangerous situation.'

     The tech-priest of the Ordo Reductor spoke out a phrase in an unknown language. It sounded similar to lingua-technis; but instead of flowing smoothly, the speech was abrupt and separated enough so that it resembled bursts of scrap code. The secutarii on the other hand appeared to understand the tech-priest completely, as they turned away from the street and kicked down the door to the local technoarcheologist workshop. With their shields raised and lanced prepared they rushed into the building, giving the residents to respite. Surprisingly a technoarcheologist and Explorator Raven were dragged out kicking and screaming. Kemp quickly avoided eye contact with Raven as he hurried along, barely avoiding trouble as he always had.

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