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~Keith's POV~
It's been almost a week since we left Earth. As promised, we had daily team bonding, and everybody's used to flying their lions now, but still training with their weapons.

I've noticed Allura and Lance talking to each other every night telling each other stories from their pasts. I don't stay long but I always hear enough to know that they get along well.

I go to bed thinking about how I'm glad Lance is happy.

I wake up the next morning to an alarm, "Paladins, report to the control room!" Allura's voice comes over the intercom. I groggily grab some clothes and put them on and head to the control room as instructed.

When I get there Shiro has all his armor on and Pidge is practically falling asleep leaning against Hunk. Both of them have pajamas on.

"Where's Lance?!" Allura yells angrily. Throwing me off guard, I'm still barely awake. "You're the paladins of Voltron, you need to be able to move fast. Shiro is the only one here with armor, Pidge has fallen back asleep. Both her and hunk are wearing pajamas, and Keith?" I look at her sleepily, "WHY ARE YOU WEARING HUMAN CLOTHES!?" She screams.

I look down and see I'm wearing the same outfit I wore on Earth. I look back up at her and shrug, "I just grabbed them."

Then the door slides open and Lance walks in. He smirks when he walks in, "What's everybody doing here, and why does Allura look so angry?" He gestures at her.

His hair looks almost like silk, and it's like his skin is glistening in the light. His blue eyes look at me and he gives me a confused expression, so I look at the floor, my face heated.

This time Coran is the one to speak, "It was a test, you were the only one who completely failed."

"What?" He says back nonchalantly, "I needed my beauty rest." I stare at him again.

"We're having an entire day of training," Allura says a deadpan look on her face.

They all groan except for me, I like training, it helps me clear my mind. "Cool, I'll head to the training deck," I say, but when I turn around Allura grabs my arm.

"No, get your armor on, you'll be training a different way. Now go get on your armor and bayard meet in the living area."

Shiro doesn't look fazed but Hunk suddenly looks up, worry etched on his face. He pokes Pidge, she wakes up and he shakes her.

I head back to my room to put on my armor and get my bayard.

I come but have to stand and wait for Hunk, Pidge and Lance to come. Lance arrives first, followed closely by Hunk. When Pidge gets here she glares at Allura. Allura flushes a little and shrinks back, "Sorry for having to wake you up."

Pidge's gaze softens and she looks at the floor, grumbling, "I am not a morning person."

"I am as long as I get enough sleep." Lance chimes in obnoxiously and I roll my eyes.

Allura straightens her posture and fixes her eyes on the team. "Your training will be going to planet Ryuka. You will fight the monsters there, if you don't, then we won't be able to form Voltron with a paladin missing."

"Ryuka, princess, are you sure?" Coran asks his voice shaking.

"Yes, they need to learn to fight not just to their own advantage, but to that of the team's."

She lands on a planet that seems to be nothing but dense forest with occasional rivers. I try not to let on that I'm nervous.

Almost as soon as we get off the ship, Allura takes off with Coran. "They aren't even gonna stay here to make sure we're alive!" I say angrily, "Those quiznackers."

"Language," Shiro warns.

"Yea Keith, shut your quiznack." Lance tells me.

"You're not even using the word right," I say back to him.

"It doesn't matter."

"It does if you don't want to sound stupider than you already are."

"I'm not stupid, you're stupid!"

"You couldn't even figure out a good comeback."

"Guys, shut up and listen," Pidge says.

Lance and I stop arguing and I hear rustling in some nearby bushes.

I point my sword towards the sound. A small furry creature with three eyes hops out of the bush. Lance laughs, "I'm so scared of that tiny thing," he mocks, and I glare at him.

The small creature grows rapidly when he says that and opens its mouth, baring a set of sharp teeth.

Lances face drops and he points his gun towards the animal and shoots. But it jumps out of the way before it hit it. I run towards the animal, but it opens its mouth and bites at me before I can swing my sword.

Pidge pulls out a small device and soon shouts out, "Yula, only attacks when loud noises are made or as self defense. Everybody, be quiet and nonthreatening."

I sit on the ground, and everybody follows suit. After a tick the creature returns to its normal size and hops into the bushes.

Pidge looks at the device again, "Thats one of a few creatures, theres a Teral, similar looking to a deer, but dangerous and we must kill it. Actually, we must kill all of them except Yula."

"Okay, simple enough, kill everything except that one." Hunk says.

Then a reptile like creature scurries up to us, it's about an inch wide and half as long. Wings pop out its back it flies into the air, so that I can barely see it. Then green fluids come flying at Shiro.

He moves out of the way and the stuff hits the ground leaving a burnt spot. It keeps spitting the stuff at us, giving no time to fight.

Lance runs farther away from us and shoots, killing the reptile. "That's why we have our sharpshooter," I comment.

He flushes for a moment, but we soon get back to fighting. After what feels like decaphoebes, Allura lands the ship and gets us.

"Nicely done paladins," she says, "You may go get some rest now if you'd like." Everyone sighs and heads to their rooms, except Shiro who walks in a different direction.

My door slides open, and I walk in, flopping on the bed exhaustedly.

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