1; dazed

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the first time i really noticed you was at the local library. i felt like something about you was sort of familiar, like i had seen you a million times before. you were sitting at one of the window seats, gazing at me with a relaxed look on your face. you looked almost magical somehow. beautiful dirty-blonde hair dangling slightly in your mysterious green eyes. something about the look in your eyes made me feel safe and warm, like you were my protector. i'm not sure where i got the confidence to approach you, but i did.

"hello," i said, trying not to let my awkwardness take over. "you look really familiar. do i know you?"

you straightened up your posture and lifted your chin slightly, tensing up your jaw. "no, you don't know me," you spoke calmly. "i'm clay."

i felt like something crashed down on me as soon as you spoke, like a huge tidal wave. i shivered, watching you stand up from where you'd been standing. i was surprised by how tall you were, when you were standing i had to literally look up in order to see your eyes. i opened my mouth to say something until i felt a hand on my shoulder.

"george?" my mother's voice spoke from behind me. i spun around, almost startled from her sudden presence. i felt like i was jerked back into reality, as if talking to you sucked me into another universe.

i cleared my throat. "yes, mom?"

"were you just talking to yourself?" she asked, a quizzical expression on her face.

i shot her a confused look and motioned towards you, standing right behind me. "no, i was just chatting with him," i explained.

my mom started laughing, rolling her eyes. "funny," she said, sarcasm evident in her voice. "anyway, we're leaving in a couple minutes, i'm gonna go start the heater in the car so it's not too cold on the way home."

i looked at her, puzzled. "what's funny? do you know him or something?"

she looked at me. "know who?"

i pointed to you. i noticed how you were just standing their calmly, but also looking sort of nervous. "this is clay," i said. "i just met him like a second ago."

"george, quit with the jokes," my mom said. "i'll be in the car." she turned and began walking away, leaving me there feeling more confused than ever.

"you know she can't see me, right?" you said suddenly.

i turned to you, my mouth slightly open. i felt clueless. "what're you talking about?" i whispered.

you smiled teasingly. "you're gonna look like an idiot talking to yourself."

"i'm... not talking to myself."

"you look like you are."

i studied you, squinting my eyes. "is this some sort of joke?"

you sighed. "this is why i'm not supposed to talk to you. you'll be confused, and when i do explain it to you, you won't believe me. who knows, maybe you'll even go mad."

"'not supposed to talk to me'?" i repeated. "i'm so lost. what the hell... what even... just- what?"

"angels," you started, "...aren't supposed to speak to their humans. just watch and protect. in fact i shouldn't even be interacting with you at all, but you're the one who approached me, so..."

"you're an angel?" i asked, feeling breathless.

"sure. i guess."

i scoffed. "i don't believe you. that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard of."

you smiled and cupped your hands around your mouth, suddenly letting out the loudest scream, startling me. shocked, i looked around us and fell silent when i realized everyone had acted like nothing happened, peacefully going about their business. no one heard you.

my jaw fell open and i turned to you, not able to form words. "you're actually an angel?" i asked quietly. it didn't feel real, but something in me really wanted to believe it. especially after you screamed and no one around us seemed to mind, even mrs. dunnaway, the strictest librarian in the world didn't seem to notice. and the fact my mom thought i was talking to myself?

you looked at me calmly. "i think you should probably get to your mom, she's waiting for you in the car."

i turned and walked away, not saying a word. i mean, what could i say? none of it made sense, all i knew was i wanted to be away from you. surely it was some sort of dream. when i turned back to check if you were following me, i was surprised to notice you weren't. you were just standing there, watching me. i shivered and hurried out the doors of the library.

as soon as i stepped foot into the cold london atmosphere, i felt icey air bite at my ankles. i could feel my chapped lips starting to burn as well so i half-jogged towards the car, almost slipping on the ice under my feet that coated the concrete pavement.

i could feel your arm wrap securely around my waist suddenly, and i realized you were next to me now. "careful, you don't want to slip," you said softly.

i let out a small gasp and looked up at you, surprised how you were with me there suddenly. i could feel my chest go slightly warm from your touch but i ignored it. "what the hell are you doing?" i mumbled under my breath.

"george!" i heard my mom call from the car. "hurry up, we don't have all night!"

you lifted your arm off my body and shoved your hands into your pockets instead, staring down at me. you didn't say anything.

i let out another sigh and hurried over to where my mom was parked and climbed into the car, trying to ignore your presence.

i didn't see you the whole ride home, even though i couldn't see you, something inside me made me feel like you were still there.



alright that's the end of the first chapter !! i apologize for it being short

thank you so much to whoever took the time to read this it means a lot !! 

pleeaase feel free to comment any criticism you have about it, or just any thoughts or literally anything because i'd love to have conversations in the comments with any readers : )). and as for an upload schedule it will hopefully be consistent, maybe once or twice a week depending on how confident i feel to upload more chapters.

tysm to the ones who said they'd read if i uploaded it means a lot to me and i love you sm !!


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