3; shivering

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there i finally was, wrapped up in my warm winter coat and jeans, peacefully walking through london. it wasn't as busy at night as it was during the day which i was thankful for, less people to have to interact with.

i wrapped my arms around myself to try and heat up, but it wasn't much help. i glanced around myself and found comfort in the familiar roads and buildings surrounding me. i decided to make my way towards tower bridge, ignoring the thought of any potential tourists bugging me.

i hummed a quiet tune to myself as i leaned over the railing, gazing down at the beautiful water beneath me. bright shades of yellow and purple beamed off the surface of the water, reflecting the city among it.

"don't lean too far." you moved next to me, causing me to let out a small gasp since i wasn't expecting you to be there. "i really don't want you to fall."

"seriously? i told you i wanted to be alone," i mumbled, turning to face you.

you scoffed. "i will leave you alone, i just wanted to make sure you were safe. if you want, i can leave."

i smiled shyly, looking back at the water beneath us. "it's okay, i don't mind, actually."

you let out a content sigh and leaned onto the railing next to me, peering around at the city. "london's such a beautiful place. it's funny, i've always wanted to visit here. and now i can."

i looked at you. "if you're not from england, where are you from, then?" i felt like it was a stupid question, it was clear you were probably from america from your american accent, but i still asked you anyway.

"florida," you explained. "in the usa. it's a pretty humid place, but hey, i got to visit the beach sometimes, so that was fun."

i nodded, suddenly taking interest in the way you dressed instead of what you were talking about. black jeans with a green hoodie. pretty basic, but it still looked good, i thought.

i cringed, turning away from you. i hated the way i found you so attractive, it seemed wrong. i shook myself out of it, focusing my gaze on the lights reflecting off the water.

i could feel myself tense up when you wrapped an arm around me. "are you cold?" you asked me. it was such a simple question and a friendly, meaningless thing, but it still made my heart rate skyrocket. i guess you noticed me slightly shivering and my fingers visibly shaking, either from the cold or from being nervous, i'm not sure. maybe both.

"no, i'm fine," i murmured.

you took your arm off of me to point at a boat crossing by under the bridge, sending waves ripping off behind it. "cool, huh?" you asked me.

i let out a small laugh and shrugged. every moment i was around you felt like a dream. it should have been. when i looked back over to you, you had both hands back in your pockets and your vision was fixed on the water below. i had so many questions i wanted to ask you, like what it was like being you. an angel.

i shuddered suddenly, dreading the fact you could maybe even feel like you were stuck with me. my eyes widened as i realized all the pieces were falling into place, it all started to make sense now, why you always seemed so sad around me.

i glanced over to you again and studied your laid-back body language, wondering if it gave any subtle signs you didn't want to be around me. i frowned and stepped back from the railing. "i get it now," i mumbled.

you turned to me, raising one eyebrow in confusion. "what do you get?"

"look, if you don't wanna be around me, then don't," i told you. "no one's forcing you to!"

you shot me a weird look. "what the hell are you talking about?"

"you feel like you're stuck with me, i can tell. look, i'm sorry the stupid angels assigned you to me for whatever reason, but you can tell them they were wrong. you don't belong to be my angel."

you took a step closer to me as worry flashed in your eyes. "they were not wrong, george," you told me, your voice soft. "what made you think that?"

i shoved you away. "none of this makes sense," i groaned. "just leave me alone. find someone else, clay."

"no, i'm not gonna do that."

"why not?!" i asked, feeling frustration bubble up in my throat. "just go away, i'm literally begging you!"

you sighed and pulled out a piece of paper from your back pocket and handed it to me, not saying anything.

i scoffed and grabbed the paper out of your hand. "what is this?"

"you can only read it when you get home," you said under your breath. "and i'll leave you alone until tomorrow night, alright?"

i stuffed the paper into my coat pocket grumpily. "fine," i muttered before turning away from you. "it's a deal. you have to leave me alone for 24 hours and i'll read the stupid paper."

"can i at least make sure you get home safely?" i heard you call behind me.

"whatever," i called back. i didn't mind you walking me home, it's not like i actually wanted to be away from you anyway.


just wanted to say sorry for the slow uploads :) ill try and improve but its been difficult lately!!!

you all mean so much to me for reading, writing is one of my outlets and its so fun to have people supporting you and actually enjoying it!!! have a nice night!!


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