The Unlikely Trio

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A/N: This is an AU with a what if that was playing ping pong in my head and well... not intended to cause any offense. And OOC characters so consider warned. My first Mahabharata fic so please spare me for any mistakes! 

AU: What if Karna, Arjuna and Ekalavya became friends (sort of)

It was nearing dusk and everyone started to retire after a long day of learning and practicing so no one noticed one of them sneaking out away from the group, into the forest with something in his hands.

The boy moved silently, keeping an eye out in all directions just in case someone was following him and sighed in relief when he found none. He journeyed through tall trees, stumbling on the roots as the forest darkened rapidly, his mind just focusing on the destination and the events of the day.

He soon reached a cave and prayed that the person he was searching for would be there as he headed in, trying not to make much noise in case the person was asleep.

"What are you doing here prince?" asked the person, his voice echoing around the cave, creating an eerie feeling. "Guru did a great injustice to you" the boy stated bluntly as he followed the voice.

"Guru didn't commit any crime. He asked his dakshina and I offered it to him." they said but didn't sound as convinced. "Don't try to lie about it Ekalavya, we both know that while you were happy to give away your thumb, it also crushed you. I just bought some medicines and food. And no, I am not saying that you are weak... I just feel guilty for Guru Drona's actions because one of the major causes was me" Arjuna said guiltily as he set down the banana leaf packet.

"Why do you care?" Ekalavya asked in a voice mixed with curiosity and bitterness. "I still believe that you can become a master archer. I want you to prove him wrong." Arjuna said.

"But why? I know he intends to make you the best archer and move any thorn on his path to achieve that and you are his favourite pupil but..." he trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"What he did today... it just makes me feel like he doesn't trust me to come up on my own... and while I do want to become the greatest archer of Aryavarta, at the same time I want it to be because of my own hard work... I want it to be because of my effort and not because Guru Drona took away the thorns off my side..." Arjuna trailed off, struggling to find his words as his voice cracked.

"You want competition?" he asked bluntly. "Maybe yeah... if there is none, then how will I know whether I am the best or not? Ok, will you give me permission to treat the wound? I might not be as great as my brothers but I know enough to clean a wound and wrap it up so that it won't become septic" Arjuna said, looking at Ekalavya and he shrugged and reached out his hand.

The silence engulfed them comfortably as Arjuna treated the wound with at most concentration and Ekalavya took this as his chance to look at Arjuna closely and properly. Here was a pampered prince, a teacher's pet and probably surrounded with all the riches and love in the world but still wants to come up with his own merit... probably a pride which is justified too... but then why...?

"Wondering about why this pampered prince is sitting here with you? No, I don't read minds but this is predictable. Sometimes I feel soo smothered in love that I don't know how to get out of it... at times that love is taken to an extreme that I find it uncomfortable, like today. And then there is also the fact that I am usually over shadowed by my brothers and cousins and that in itself wants me to prove that I can stand on my own..." Arjuna said with a shrug as he finished wrapping the cloth around the stub.

"I would advise you to not move the hand for a few days, no strenuous jobs too. I will visit you everyday, whenever I can and will bring you some food and change the bandage. After you heal, we will practice until you are as good as you were before" Arjuna said with a smile as he handed over the food packet.

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