The Curse

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A/N: This takes place during the start of the Agnyatvas and well... this is Arjuna revealing the curse he received from Urvashi in a different way. This was actually planned to be out a month ago but... got postponed so I am letting it out only now.

It was the first day of the Agnyatvas and the Pandavas, along with Draupadi had reached the borders of the Matsya kingdom and the time to decide their disguise had also arrived. Everyone except Arjuna were discussing about the roles they decided to take and the names they were going to use.

"Arjuna, what guise are you going to take?" Yudhisthira asked, noticing how silent he'd been during the whole discussion. "It's a secret for now brother. You all get ready for the role. You'll see what my disguise will be the moment you'll see me in my get up" Arjuna said confidently as he took a bundle with him.

The thing was... Arjuna had not mentioned to his brothers regarding Urvashi's curse in order to surprise them... and maybe make fun of them for a little while and since he did have some prior experience, he thought he wouldn't need Draupadi's help with it...

But the latter was proved wrong when he did one small mistake. He'd worn the clothes first before calling upon Urvashi's curse. And now he was stuck in the middle of the clothes, some hanging around him loosely while the others pulled at him in odd places.

"Panchali!" he called in desperation as he pulled at places, trying to set it right. "Coming Aarya" she announced as she adjusted her own dress, only the make up left to put on. But when she came into view, Draupadi was shocked as she was sure that Arjuna's voice call came from this very place.

"Panchali, please help?" the unknown lady asked but her voice sounded more like her husband. "Who are you?" she asked, giving her a scrutinising look. Arjuna facepalmed as he muttered something.

"Mata Urvashi gave me a curse! I am to live as an eunuch for one year. Now can you please help me?" he pleaded as he showed the mess of his dressing up and Draupadi sighed before she went forward to help him dress up.

"Your name?" She asked as she put the final pin in and straightened out the dress. "Brihannala" Arjuna replied as he looked down before smiling.

"Panchali? Who is this?" Bhima asked suspiciously. "Oh, she was just a passersby. She had some trouble so I went to help her out" Panchali lied as she discreetly winked at Arjuna to play along.

"And what is this beautiful lady doing all alone in the forest?" Nakula asked as he eyed Arjuna. "Don't even think of it Rajkumar. I can see the way you are looking at me. Aren't you ashamed? Ogling some random girl in front of your own wife? And I am married to my lovely wife so don't you dare" Arjuna said as he tried to stifle his laugh along with Draupadi as Nakula blushed on getting caught in the act.

"Your wife?" Sahadeva asked with an eyebrow raised. "Yeah, my wife, do you have any problem with that?" Arjuna asked before realising what he'd said. "Where is Arjuna? He should've been here by now?" Yudhisthira asked in concern.

"Oh, he will be here soon. I saw him somewhere nearby only. I will be taking my leave for now. I think we will meet each other soon" he said, stressing on the words before leaving.

"What did she mean by that?" Bhima asked in doubt and Draupadi couldn't handle it anymore and started laughing. "What is the matter Panchali?" Sahadeva asked and she composed herself.

"Nothing much Aarya, just the fact that..." "Just the fact that you couldn't recognise me in my disguise." and the 4 were shocked to see the lady coming back to them, only her voice sounded more like their brother.

"Arjuna?" Yudhisthira asked in disbelief and Arjuna smiled and nodded "Brihannala, Uttara's dance and music teacher. And this is my disguise, thanks to Mata Urvashi's curse"

"Only you Nakula, only you" Bhima said with a laugh as everyone joined in, teasing the thoroughly embarrassed Nakula.

A/N: Thats the end of another OS. And I have recently started a book called Kirti Kriti Aur Kartik Ki. It is a Mahabharat fanfiction with time travel and I will be grateful if you guys would have a look at it and comment on it for it is the first time I am ever doing a story with OCs as the main leads so... yeah :)

Hope you all like it! All comments and criticisms accepted and appreciated! Prompts are welcome!

Thank you all for reading!!!!!!!!

Rasnak signing off :) ;)


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