Chapter 11: A Drunken Fight

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I used to think that maybe the reason why Ryan was so addicted to chocolates was that his eyes were brown. I didn’t know why but ever since then I’ve loved the color brown and chocolates too. I thought maybe it’s because whenever I looked into his eyes, I felt giddy and tingly all over.

Looking into those beautiful set of brown eyes again, I remembered why I really did like them. It was because those eyes belonged to Ryan Adams, and also to make Ryan happy, you needed chocolates, and whenever he was, I was too.

But ever since I left, he hadn't been happy with me. He was distant with me, and it was almost as if we didn’t even know each other anymore.

But he was here, beside me now. And he talked to me! How was that possible?

 I stared at the beer in my hand, thinking; damn, this drink must be really strong.

I shook my head and faced my front again. Maybe the illusion would go away if I ignored it. I was about to take another swing from the bottle when I heard him say again;

“Too much of that really isn’t good.”

“What do you care? You hate me anyway.” I snapped, deciding that I would play a little with the imaginary Ryan. I mean, the real one was ignoring me, so I would have to make do with what I got.

He was silent for a while, and I thought maybe he was also going to ignore me like the real Ryan, but he surprised me when he instead took the bottle from my hand as I was about to take another swing at it, then he drank from it also while I only stared at him stunned.

I suddenly didn’t think him a figment of my imagination again. Now that I stared at him clearly, he looked real. Oh, my God! Ryan Adams was beside me and drinking from my beer bottle. What is happening?!

“I needed that,” He explained as he laid down the now empty bottle.

“Why are you here?” I whispered, still stunned that he’s here, beside me. And he drank from my bottle!

He stared at me while I watched his Adam apple bob as he swallowed.

“I need another drink.” He stood and went back inside, leaving me to sit there all by myself. Was I dreaming? What was happening?! I kept asking myself.

I watched him return with another beer bottle in hand, then sipped from it with his head pulled back. I continued to stare at him, mesmerized by how handsome he looked with his hair all ruffled up. I couldn't stop the sigh from coming out as I admired him.

He held the bottle up to me without saying anything, and I knew he was asking me if I wanted some. I took it, still not knowing what was going on and following his every action with my sharp eyes.

“I thought you hated me.” I drank from the bottle but didn’t get any response, so I looked back at him and caught his eyes fixed on me like he was trying to figure me out, but then his expression changed, and he faced front.

“Still do.” He muttered as he placed his elbows on his knees and leaned forward. I scoffed at him while I took another swing from the bottle and then stood up, tired of his bullshit.

“Of course you do because you’re a selfish idiot who thinks the world revolves around him. But guess what, Ryan! Other people have a life to also think about!” I think the alcohol was really affecting me. On another day, I wouldn’t talk like this to anybody. And especially not Ryan. But thinking about how he had been acting towards me was hurting at that moment.

I think I made him really angry because a scowl appeared on his face, and I watched it turn red in anger as he stood up and threw daggers with his eyes at me as his jaw clenches.

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