Chapter 16: Double Date!(or Trouble)

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"Oh, I am good!" Alex gloated as she admired her work on my face through the mirror.

We were in my room and, she was presently helping me get ready for my date with Trevor. She had helped me out with putting on some light makeup, which was why she felt like a professional makeup artist.

"Do me next." Jane squealed while bouncing on my bed like a little girl.

"Not now, Jane. I'm still working." Alex said, still admiring my face while Jane pouted. "Now, let's get you in that dress." She went over to my wardrobe and brought out a blue dress that she had found earlier in my closet.

It had thin straps for sleeves and was flay from the waist down, stopping mid thigh

I took it from her and put it on, wore my favorite black heels, and spun to both of them.

"So, how do I look?" I asked and twirled a little for them.

"Pretty as a princess." Jane clapped her hand.

"Hot as a queen." Alex winked at me as I smiled at both of them.
Just then, my mum swung open the door and walked in.

"Oh, look at my baby. Let me take a picture." She brought out her phone while I posed for her.

"Your date's already here. You never said he was cute." She smirked, making me roll my eyes at her.

"Please let him know I'll be down in a minute," I told her, and she finally left.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Alex walked over to me and fluffed my hair.

"Enjoy yourself. But not too much." Jane winked at me then we went downstairs together.

I could see Trevor talking with my dad and my mum beside him before he noticed me. His eyes widened when he took me in, and I took that as enough sign that Alex's work paid off.

He was wearing a navy blue shirt that had little white stripes and dark pants. I think he tried to style his hair, but it was still a little bit ruffled, but that didn't spoil his handsome look one bit.

"Hi, Trevor." I gave him a small smile.

"Hey, beautiful." He replied, making me blush since everyone was here and could hear him.

Dad told him to bring me home before ten and then bided me goodbye before we were allowed to go. We went out, and I saw his car parked out front as we walked over to it together.

"You look stunning, by the way." He complimented me as he held the passenger door open for me. Such a gentleman.

"Thank you," I replied and slid into the car before he walked around the car to the driver's side.

It was a fifteen minutes drive to the restaurant, so we chatted about ourselves on the way.
I found out that he came to this town when he started high school, and that he also had two little sisters he simply adored. He also loved football, but surprisingly wasn't on the team. I didn't ask why not wanting to be evasive. I was sure he had his reasons.

We got to the restaurant, and he parked his car before walking over to open my door. I stepped out, and we walked hand in hand to the restaurant door, but we also met a couple about to go in. I hadn't realized who they were until I heard someone say,

"Would you look at that. The newest couples at school, going on a date. How cute."

I turned and found Jenny, with a smirk on her face and dressed in a pink dress, with her hands wrapped around Ryan's arm.

I looked at Ryan, surprised to see them here dressed casually in dark jeans, and a grey t-shirt, with dark boots, and his hair all ruffled up like he had been running his fingers through them. My heart did backflips in my chest at how handsome he looked, even though he hadn't put much effort into doing so.

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