Chapter 25: Confused And In Love

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I hadn’t realized Ryan had driven me home because my head was filled with one thought.

Ryan liked me! I mean that’s what he meant back there, right?

What do you say to a guy who you like and just realized he likes you back? Well...I don’t know.

And that’s the problem. That’s why we have both been silent since the incident back there. And I still don’t know what to say or do and he isn’t helping by looking silent and very cool about the whole situation.

He didn’t look one bit nervous or bothered while I kept shifting uncomfortably in my seat while fiddling with my fingers.

“Stop seeing him.” I was startled out of my thoughts by Ryan’s deep voice.

I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows and found him already staring at me with his face still set in an expressionless mask.

Apart from anger, I had not seen any other emotion on his face.

“What?” I wasn’t sure what I heard him say.

“I said to stop seeing Trevor.” He said Trevor’s name like he was chewing something disgusting.

“And who are you to tell me who to see and not to see?” I shifted to face him better, not letting his scowl to intimidate me.

I know I like him and he liked me but he was acting like he owned me and could decide what happens in my life. Even my dad doesn’t act like that.

“Oh come on, You don’t even like him.” He threw his head back in frustration as he closed his eyes and massaged his temple with his thumb and forefinger.

I don’t know why but I didn’t like the way he said that like he was so very sure of my feelings. I didn’t want him to think I was head over heels in love with him...well I was, but that’s not the point.

“And how do you know I don’t like Trevor? In fact, maybe I do like him.” His eyes flew open and landed on me and boy he did not look happy.

Okay Sam, don’t let his scary angry eyes intimidate you. Hold your ground girl.

I kept telling myself encouraging words but my confidence was already faltering. His nose flared in anger as he narrowed his eyes at me.

“What did you say?” He said in a very calm tone that sent shivers down my spine. Why did I have to open my big mouth?

I swallowed and bit my lip to stop it from trembling making his eyes lowered on to them.

“N... nothing,” I whispered and shifted uncomfortably in my seat as his eyes went back up.

A devilish smirk made his way on to his lips and he brought his face closer to mine. If I wasn’t in this position, I would have taken my time to appreciate how sexy he looked right now.

“No, it seems you’re a little bit confused cupcake.” His voice rumbled through his chest and I could feel his breath on my lips. “Let me help you with that.” He grinned and I felt a sense of deja vu before he smashed his lips to mine.

This was the third time he was kissing me without my permission. And this was also the third time I was melting into his arms like a puddle.

His lips were soft and moved against mine with such intensity. He bit my lower lip making me gasp and his tongue delved into my mouth.

He tasted of both vanilla and chocolates and I moan as my stomach churns in excitement. His lips slide from my mouth to my jaw as he nibbles on it before landing on my neck.

I bit my already bruised lip to stop myself from moaning as he fisted his hand in my hair and arches my neck open for him.

He bites hard on one spot, eliciting a gasp from my lip before he whispered in my ear.

“Better now?” I returned back to my senses and jerked back, away from him.

He still had that smirk on his face and he looked cool while I was breathing heavily like I had just run a marathon.

Everything that was happening just felt so...sudden to me. I don’t know if I Iike this.

I reached for the door handle and bolt out of the car, slamming the door shut and heading for the front door.

I heard another door being slammed shut but didn’t look back. I was still a lot but shocked by what was going on. What am I supposed to do about all of this? Ugh...I feel so confused.

And why the hell was he following me to my house?

Stopping at the front door, I looked back to see him carrying my backpack over his shoulder. Oh yeah, I almost forgot that.

“Thanks.” I collected it from him but avoided eye contact. “You can go now.” I seriously wanted to be alone right now. I needed to do a lot of thinking and his presence wasn’t helping one bit.

I felt him use a finger to raise my jaw up to look at him and his warm brown eyes clashed with my blue. He rests an arm at the door behind me and leans in further.

“Look, I don’t like seeing you two together. It drives me nuts.” He whispered and helped brush my hair behind my ear. My breathing quickened at how close we were and my stomach kept doing flip flops.

Why does he affect me so much? I’ve never felt like this before for anyone. But then again...I’ve never been in love with anyone before.

And that was what scared me. I was in love with Ryan but did he love me? I know he said he liked me but was that just it.

Am I just going to be an infatuation which he would soon get over? Because I don’t think I was going to easily get over the feelings I had for him.

“Hey cupcake, you look so pale.” He had a worried look on his face with his eyebrows furrowed like that. “Are you okay?”

“Y...yeah. I’m fine. I just want to be alone.” I stuttered out while gripping my backpack.

I still wasn’t sure what was happening to us. What exactly are we right now? And that was the thought that was in my head as I watched him nod and head back towards his car.

“See you in school cupcake.” He winked sending shivers of excitement down my spine before starting his car and driving off.

If I gave my heart fully to Ryan, was he going to break it? And if he did, will I ever recover from it?

Ryan had already told me how he felt, now it was up to me to decide whether or not I could trust him to catch me when I fall.

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