Chapter 30:A Clichè Proposal

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I've only ever harbored feelings for two other guys before, minus Trevor. But none of them could compare to what I felt for Ryan.

To me, there has always been a difference between like and love. I liked the other two guys I've dated, but I'm in love with Ryan.

There are nights I would sit on my bed and fantasize about what it would be like to tell him I love him and for him to tell me he felt the same way. And then we would get married, live in a nice place in town and have two kids. A boy and a girl. But all those were fantasies that I had made-up in my head.

But right now, at this moment, in the driveway of Ryan's home, me standing in the middle of it and Ryan holding me close with my elbow, the wind blowing through our hairs, I was living one of my fantasies.

I don't know if I should pinch myself to wake up from this dream, or if I should live in the moment, stretch up, and have a taste of his lips. But it all felt so surreal.

I mean, who could have thought that after everything that had happened, Ryan actually loved me the way I do him. We've fought a lot since I came back. Heck, I even attacked him once when I had been drunk. He'd told me he likes me, but I didn't know he loves me. At least I hope he did.

"Wh...What did you say?" I asked, searching his eyes for the truth.

"Do I have to say it again?" He groaned, running his fingers nervously through his hair, bringing a smile to my lips.

Nodding my head, I bit my lip to keep myself from smiling like a little kid offered her favorite candy.

"I said, I think..." He paused, making my heart bang against my ribcage in fear of rejection. "Ah, fuck it. I don't think. I know I'm in love with you..." I didn't let him finish before pulling him down by his hood and attacking his lips with mine.

I felt him go rigid, maybe in shock, but later recovered and started to move his soft lips with mine.

I could feel his heartbeat against the palms on my hand where they lay on his chest, and suddenly it felt like no one else in the world existed. Like it was just him and I in a quiet world of our own.

Something was different about this kiss. It wasn't like the others we've had. Maybe it was because we had both accepted what we felt for each other. It didn't even last for a minute, but to me, it felt longer than that. And as we parted, we laid our foreheads against the other and stared into each other's eyes, not being able to look away, our breaths coming out in pants.

"So, does this mean you two are a thing now?" Kira's high pitched voice rang out in the silent driveway, startling me once more. She was standing by the door with a teddy bear in hand.

I heard Ryan grunt in annoyance before turning to yell at her,

"Do you ever shut up? Get back inside."

She pulled her tongue out at him again, before slamming the door shut behind her as she walked in.

I couldn't stop the giggling from bursting out when I remember all that had happened this night. I didn't know if I was laughing because I was happy or because of Kira's worst timings.

Ryan looked to me with an eyebrow cocked, but that didn't stop me from still giggling more. Two seconds later, I heard a chuckle from him, and it was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard.

And there we were, two teenagers, laughing as if they've lost it on a warm autumn night. And I couldn't be any happier.

When Ryan dropped me off at home, he left a lingering kiss on my cheek that made a stupid smile appear on my face till I went into the house. I probably looked like an idiot, but I cared less because right then, it felt like I was on cloud nine.

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