Chapter 21: Being Popular

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Trevor being a nice guy, dropped me at home, and to show my appreciation I pecked him on his lips this time and watched his eyes widen in surprise before a huge grin appears on his face.

But watching him drive off, I couldn't help myself from comparing that peck I gave him, to the hot make-out session I had with Ryan.

Kissing Ryan had been so mind-blowing and it had been the most amazing kiss I had ever had, but pecking Trevor felt like how I would peck my mum in the morning.

I shook my head trying to get the image of Ryan out of my head, before heading into the empty house. Mum and dad were still at work, and me being home alone made me realize how much I missed Jaxon.

We do talk on the phone once a while, but he wasn't coming back anytime soon, as his holidays are still far away, but he might come to visit sometime.

Going upstairs, I took a cold shower before flopping on my bed taking a quick nap. But I kept dreaming about the kiss Ryan and I shared, and we did a lot more than just kissing in my dream.

On Monday at school, I saw Alex on the steps of the school building admiring her nails, and she looked different.

Her blond hair was cut shorter, and the left-side braided while the right was left down. It looked really good on her.

"Alex?" I asked as she hadn't noticed me yet.

"Samantha, just the girl I was looking for." She took her eyes off her nails and puts her arm around my shoulder. I noticed she had just gotten a manicure and painted her nails nude.

"What's with the new look?" I asked as she led me through the double doors of the school and down the hallway, to her locker.

"Nothing. I just decided to try something new during the weekend." She shrugged, but I could see a little smile playing on her face.

I did notice though that people were staring at us and whispering when they did, making me check myself if something was wrong with my choice of dressing.

"Why is everyone looking at us?" I asked while Alex was busy dumping books in her locker.

"Not us darling, you. And that's because you stole Ryan from Jenny." She smirked at me, while I furrowed my eyebrows confused.

"What?" I asked, wondering if I heard her right.

"Ryan and Jenny had a fight on Saturday night at a party, which you would know if you had come with me like I asked. Everyone thinks you're the cause of it." She led me away from her locker and we headed towards mine.

"And why would they think that?" I leaned on my locker while she came to my front and started to fluff my hair.

"Because of the hallway incident on Friday." She replied while I groaned tired of people taking that scene too far.

"We just talked. That's all." and had a hot make-out session in an empty classroom. But I didn't say that out loud and no one needs to know that.

"Well, Ryan doesn't just 'talk' to anyone like that, and not that close like you guys were." She winked at me, while I rolled my eyes at her.

I dumped my backpack in my locker and took out the important books I needed before we both headed towards our class.

We saw Jane sitting in the middle row and she had already saved two seats for us.

"Hey girl, how's your new boyfriend?" Jane winked at me me, and I thought maybe she was referring to Trevor.

"Oh Trevor's fine, I haven't seen him today though." I took a seat behind her and Alex took one beside me.

"You're dating Trevor too. Isn't that cheating?" She turned to face me while I gave her a confused look.


"Or does Ryan know? Is he okay with it? Are you guys in an open relationship?" She kept throwing questions at me while I had a dumbfounded expression on my face. Oh God, not her too.

"Ryan is not her boyfriend dear," Alex replied for me while I groaned in my seat.

Do people really think Ryan and I dating? And what about Jenny, what does she think of me now? Maybe that she was right to be wary of me from the start, that I would later steal her boyfriend from her.

But the thing was, I wasn't after Ryan. Yeah, I liked him a lot, but he wasn't mine. He liked Jenny more, but I wondered why he kept kissing me.

Does he think of me as a side dish he could use anything he liked to? Is that what I was to him? Then when he was done with me he would go back to Jenny?

If he thinks so then he's so wrong. I wasn't that type of girl. He can't just walk up to me and kiss me whenever he likes. I had emotions too, didn't he think I could catch feelings for him through that. Though I'm already in love with already, but that's not the point.

The point was I needed to put a distance between us, our relationship wasn't healthy and I needed to let him see that.

I was heading towards my next class when I saw Jenny with her two minions, walking towards my way with determined steps. I thought about turning around and running the other direction but I was too late as they caught up with me.

"Let's talk, shall we." She more like stated than asked, as they dragged me to the empty football field and locked the door behind them.

"Hey guys, you look really good today Jenny." I tried to talk my way out of this, but they weren't buying it.

Her friends stood by the door while Jenny walks closer to me with a glare on her face which was directed at me.

"Listen here, bitch. I've told you before to stay away from my boyfriend, but you don't listen now do you?. But before I start to take any action, I've decided to give you one last chance. Stay away from him, or you're not going to like what I'll do to you." She had a dangerous smirk on her face which sent shivers down my spine, and I stopped myself from shivering outwardly.

I watched them leave and wondered to myself, what the hell had I gotten myself into?

"Girl, you're so popular today. I'm so proud of you." Alex kept praising me which irritated me by the way. I hated how everyone kept looking at me like I was some kind of celebrity.

The worst thing was they think me popular because of what happened between Ryan and me, and now they think is dating.

Speaking of Ryan, I could see him at his regular table with his friends and of course, Jenny. She had a smirk on her face as she clung to his biceps like a leech. Ugh, I so hate her right now.

I could still remember what happened in the football field. She scared me then, but what could she possibly do. She couldn't possibly harm me, right?

"Hey, babe." Trevor came to sit beside me while placing a peck on my cheek, making me blush.

"Yuck." Alex huffed while I glared at her.

"Alex." Jane scolds, she's always scolding her like it's her job or something.

"So how're you?" Trevor ignored her and puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Everyone keeps looking at me like I'm some alien or something, and I hate it," I replied, throwing my fries back on my plate.

I felt someone's stare on me, but then again, everyone is looking at me. But I couldn't stop my eyes from straying to Ryan's table, and I found him already looking at me.

His shoulder was tensed and he had a huge scowl on his face as his eyes traveled to where Trevor's hand was around my shoulder.

"Hey, just ignore them. Before tomorrow another new gossip will be out and they'll forget all about you." Trevor tried to cheer me up, and I gave him a small smile. But I could still feel the burning stare at the back of my head.

What's his problem?

Hey ya dearies. Don't forget to like the book, comment and follow me. Have a nice day! And if you wanna read way ahead, find me on inkitt.

Till next time.



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