Chapter 11

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After a close night together, the boys woke up, a smile growing on each other's faces.

Kinoshita got up and began making pancakes, he knew they were Naritas favourite. Watching the batter sizzle in the pan, he couldn't help but think about yesterday's events.

As he finished the pancakes, he played them up and prepared them the way he knew Narita liked it best. Absolutely drenched in maple syrup. After drowning the poor food, he walked into the bedroom, and gave his boyfriend the plate.
'It's absolutely perfect' Narita said, beaming at the pancakes.
"You're out of syrup now lol"
'Ehhh, I'll buy some later'

That day, they decided to just chill out, watch movies and relax. Little did Kinoshita know that Kazuhito had prepared something very special....

After a brief argument over whether to watch Brooklyn99 or How I Met Your Mother, they settled on the former. Inevitably, this would be a great mistake as kinoshita would quote about a quarter of every single episode.

At roughly 1 o'clock, Narita stepped up of the sofa (much to Kinoshitas dismay) and  started putting his shoes on.
'Why do you have to leaaaave?'
"It's a surprise nerd"

Narita stepped out the door and walked down the driveway and down the road to the local bakery. He opened the door and the aroma of the pastries filled his nostrils with a soft, floury scent.

'Hey! Can I have like 5 croissants?'
"Sure! One second Nari.' The shopkeepers cheery, happy voice boomed throughout the small echoey store. After a short wait due to the lack of people in the shop, Narita walked out, bag in hand, cheerfully walking down the street back to his house.

He unlocked the door and waited a moment before kicking the door open, announcing his presence.
'WASSUP FUCKERS' Naritas voice deafening the potted plant nearby. (Shush)
"WHY ARE YOU ON MY PHONE" Kinoshita leaped up, he was the master of memes in the team after all,

After the interaction that definitely raised concerns among the neighbours, the boys sat back down, munching on their french pastries.

The day was good, it was relaxing and after a few more episodes Narita stood you once more and left again, this time to a place Kinoshita didn't know. All he was told to do was to sit still, and go to the location Narita sent when it was time.

After about 5 minutes, Kinoshita got up, put on his shoes and headed up, the location he was sent was to the roof. Upon climbing the steps, he opened the door to the roof.

Atop, was Narita, sat on a blanket, holding a guitar.

He began strumming the chords, his eyes focused on the frets, making sure he played the correct notes.
He opened his mouth to start singing, as Kinoshita sat down, eagerly listening to the song his boyfriend was about to sing

'We're a thousand miles from comfort'
'We've traveled land and sea'
His voice calm, internally panicking.
'But as long as you are with me'
He took a deep breath
'There's no place I'd rather be...' His voice trailed off slightly, his nerves getting the better of him
He reassured himself mentally

'With every step you take'
'Kyoto to the bay'
'Strolling so casually...'
Kinoshita smiled, loving the concert his lover was putting on for him

'We're different and the same'
'Have you a different name'
'Switch up the batteries'

Kinoshita placed his hand on Naritas leg, calming his nerves, before the two started singing together, the cold breeze whipping against Kinoshitas hair and Naritas..... head?

'If you gave me a chance I would take it'
The two synchronised their voices
'It's a shot in the dark, but I'll make it'
They stared into each other's eyes, Narita giving up on playing the instrument.
'Know with all of your heart, you can't shake me'
The two places their hands together, the body warmth of the palms, transferring between the duo.
"When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be"

They embraced one another, fireworks setting off in the distance, the bright lights illuminating the night sky.

This day was one they would never forget.

Heyo! Thanks you all for the support on this! I saw someone use this song in a different book and felt it was perfect for this book. See you all later! Sorry for the slow updates.-Boomber

The Forgotten Two (kinoshita x narita) Haikyuu!Where stories live. Discover now