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3rd Person POV

They have never spoken to each other. How is Yongsun going to answer such question?

She just opened her mouth but no words came out, who's gonna save her now?

Mrs. Moon saw the girl struggling to answer, she thought Yongsun was so sad that she couldn't speak so she helped her out.

"Mom she doesn't wanna talk about that now, ok?"

"Well I just wanted to know if it was a nice story or not." the grandma said feeling a bit bad.

Minhyuk then said, "Well you don't really know if it was ni-",

"Of course it was nice! why shouldn't it be nice? the grandma said looking now at Minhyuk, who remembered something not that good.

"What about that other person? the other she met at the bar."

"Park... Cho... rong." Mr. Moon said not really proud about it, since Chorong was not the best girl after all.

"Well, she has a nice girl now." Mrs. Moon said complimenting Yongsun, which made her feel a bit more confident.

"So did you- did you steal her from Tae?" Seulgi asked excited.

"I bet it was love at first sight, right?" the grandma asked Yongsun with these big and shining eyes, "I bet that she picked you up with that fancy car of hers!"

"What was it about her that you know... attracted you?" Mrs. Moon asked.

"It was her- uh... her smile." Yongsun didn't exactly know what to answer but a picture of Wheein's cute dimples showed up in her head.

She then remembered the previous question that the grandma asked her, so she answered with a smile, "Well, um, we saw each other... and um, she- uh... smiled and... I knew that my life would never be the same."

That made the whole family take a deep sigh, it wasn't really that touching, but they were beyond happy and excited that they couldn't help it.


Yongsun's POV

This... is such a mess, was I able to tell them? no. Am i willing to tell them? no. Hearing what Minhyuk said about the grandma's heart problems and how she almost died when the nurse told them Wheein was engaged just made it worse. I am extremely scared of what might happen next, but I can't tell them, I don't want their happiness to go away.

Seeing the family happy was just too much, plus, her mom hugging me so tightly and crying in my arms made me feel guilty. I shouldn't be feeling this way, but I just feel it, I feel that... I could've just told them right there at that moment but I just couldn't, I couldn't even form a perfect sentence. I just hope I have the courage to tell them soon, the sooner the better.

After the hospital, I just went to my apartment. I needed to rest, this day was a whole mess and I haven't even dealt with it, I don't even know what I'm gonna do tomorrow.

I just hope I can get as fast as possible to my roon, I don't want to deal with a drunk Eric, but I had to.

I was going up the stairs and he said something, I didn't really pay attention to it.

"Tomorrow, 8 o'clock." he said with this stupid face of his.

I just looked at him, what does that mean?


"I got ice skating passes, I know you like that." he said with 2 tickets in his hand. Does he even know what he's doing?

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