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Yongsun stood there, frozen, scared, speechless. She didn't know how to answer, she was in big big trouble. Minhyuk was just staring at her, waiting for her answer even though he knew it was going to be wrong, he could help her but he decided not to since it could be a bit suspicious to Byulyi, well... she was the one who started all of this mess.

Byulyi saw how Yongsun was struggling to answer, so she raised an eyebrow staring at her. The whole family was just waiting for Yongsun to say something. 

An idea came to Yongsun's mind, Wheein's secret tattoo.

"Wheein...", she paused, "has a tattoo o-on her butt!" she said looking at the sleeping girl.

All the family was shocked, they started looking at each other. "No way!" Byulyi said almost laughing. 

"Way." Yongsun said raising her chin to look superior. 

"about a month ago Wheein a-and her best friend made a bet, soooo she lost and had to get a tattoo on her b-butt." she told the whole family.

Seulgi shook her head, "Damn Wheein, you're full of surprises aren't you." she said now laughing.

The family didn't even move, they weren't mad about it, but they didn't find it funny either. Mr. Moon looked at her wife, waiting for her to do something about it.

"Maybe um..." Byulyi said pointing at Wheein's butt.

Mr. Moon nodded at signalized Mrs. Moon to check the sleeping girl's butt, they wanted to see if it was real. They trusted Yongsun, but it was just hard to believe.

"Well somebody's gotta look..." he told everyone.

"Don't look at me..."

"Yeah... maybe-"

"It- It's not my-"

"Okay." Mrs. Moon interrupted everyone, "I'm her mother." she sighed. And then, lifted the bed sheets.

"Ew mom!" Seulgi covered her face since she was facing the covers.

Byulyi was busy staring at the nervous Yongsun, but the girl refused to make eye contact...


The family was not walking towards the elevator to leave the hospital.

When the door was closing, the grandma said something to lighten up the mood, "Well look at the bright side! she looks a bit like a badass now instead of looking like a soft cutie..." 

"Mom..." Mrs. Moon whispered and smacked her arm.

When they all left the hospital, Yongsun went straight to her house. She was overly stressed and needed to rest after all the things that have happened. But what bothers her every time she goes home? Eric.

Yongsun's POV

Once I arrived, I ran straight to my apartment door and went into my room, I really thought a drunk Eric wasn't going to appear.

"Ughhh..." I rest my head against the wall, taking all the stress out. How did I come back home still alive? they almost caught me. That Byulyi... who do you think you are?

I was thinking about everything that has happened when I suddenly heard a knock. I wasn't in the best mood.

"Who is it?" I said with a tired voice, still in the same position.

"What gives!" I man said but I recognized the shitty voice.

I sighed and opened the door, ready to kick his ass.

"You stood me up." Eric said walking into my room without my permission. What the fuck?

"For what?" I rolled my fucking eyes and followed him.

"Our date?" 

"What date?" I said with a pissed voice.

"For the ice show! I had to eat your ticket!"

"I never said I was going on a date with you..."

"Yes you did."

"No I didn't."

"Yes you did!"

"No I didn't!"

"Did to!"






knock knock 

We were having a shitty fight when I heard another knock.

I sighed, "Who is it?!"

"Yongsun, it's Minhyuk." I heard through the door. He came at the wroooong time.


"What do you have? A two-time Eric?" Eric said while I was opening the closet. Fuck him.

"You're not my two-time, I've never had a one-time. " 

"I'll fight that guy!" 

"Hey! get in the closet!" I said whispering when I grabbed him.

"Do. Not. Say. A. Word." I shut the door in his face.

I ran towards the door and opened.

3rd Person POV


"You got company?" 

"N-no, TV..." Yongsun said pointing at her living room. "...it's on."

She continued, "Umm... you want some coffee or tea or something?"

"No no no, don't worry," Minhyuk paused and looked straight into her eyes for a looong time. 

"Yongsun... there's something you should know."


"Well the night you visited Wheein I was outside the door," he paused, "I know the truth."

Yongsun just sighed and sat down, processing all that Minhyuk just said. It wasn't that bad though, it feels like someone is there to support you because he didn't seem mad or disappointed. She scratched her head and continued. 

"Sorry... I'm sorry, yo-you know you don't have to worry cause I'm gonna tell them everything..." by the way she was talking she seemed a bit stressed.

"Don't tell them a thing."

"What?" she muttered.

Minhyuk sat down next to her, "Remember the day you said you'd never do anything that would hurt the family?" 


"well, since they met you they figured they have Wheein back,"... "and if you tell them the truth... you'll take them away again." 

"They need you Yongsun. Just like you need them." 

Yongsun just sat there, speechless, she was not expecting him to say stuff like that.

"I know you're a good girl," Minhyuk said which made Yongsun laugh. "and I know you'll do the right thing." they both smiled.

"I don't know..." 

"Yesss, yes you do." Minhyuk stood up, and walked towards the door when he remembered something.

"By the way... how did you know about the... Wheein with a tattoo on her... uh..." 

While Minhyuk was making a butt with his hands, Yongsun couldn't get any words out of her mouth. He noticed and stopped.

"You know something, I don't wanna know." he laughed and opened the door.

"Bye!" she said after Minhyuk closed the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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