Chapter Four

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     My dad climbes into the car and leans back in his seat. I can feel him looking at me, but I keep my face turned towards the fat snowflakes falling outside my car window. For a couple of minutes, neither of us say anything.

     "Do you hate me for not telling you?" He asked.

     I sigh. "No, I'm just really angry." I say, turning to look at him, "Have you met her before today? Like, when we wern't babies?"

     "No, she stayed with your grandmother right after you two were born. She was a sick baby, and your mother and I both had to work all day. Today was the first time I've met her."

     I snort at the idea of Ariadne being a sick baby. She sure turned out well. My dad ducks his head and starts the ignition. We drive through the snow, the windsheild wipers squeaking in 4/4 time. I turn my face back towards my window.

     "Are you sulking now?" He asks, glancing over.

     I don't respond. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a bright light arc across the dark sky. Probably just an airplane. I pretend it is a shooting star and lean my forehead against the cool glass, closing my eyes and  wish everything could be turned back to normal.

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