Chapter 16 ~ Lillian

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I had happy tears. I was happy because my parents actually excepted what I was doing. They were happy with me. I was happy with them. Mark walked in.

I was staring at the closet because I was lost in an endless train of thought. "Are you okay?" Mark asked as he walked into the door and handed me water.

"I'm fine," I said sitting up and grabbing my water. "I've never been happier in my life." I said. I wasn't lying. I really was.

"Anything you want to talk about?" He asked. "It can wait." I said. He gave me a look if uncertainty. "It can wait." I said again. I gave him the same look I gave Matthias earlier. It seemed to work.

"Good night Mark." I said. "Goodnight." He responded, still staring into my eyes. He slowly backed away and we lost eyesight. The second he left, a girl appeared in front of me. "Dang, he's hot." She said.

I flinched. "You scared the shit outta me." I said. She just laughed. "Who are you?" I asked. "You should know who I am." She said. "Um... I don't.". I said.

"Did your mom not tell you about me?" She asked. "Hmmmm....." She said with a drag. Just examining her she was in her she looked about 15. Which couldn't possibly be my family.

The baby my dad killed would be three. The other baby my mom was going to have wouldn't even be born yet. So, who was she? "I am.. Your sister." She said. "Huh?" I said. Mark came into the room with a baseball bat. The girl disappeared.

"Who are you talking too?" He asked. "I'm not exactly sure." I said. He stepped in my room and looked out the window. It was open, but that's only cause it's Cali, it's always warm.

Just as he looked back to my door, the door slammed. He froze. The girl re-appeared. "How the hell..." He said. He sat under the window. "This story just got a bit more twisted." The girl said. We heard the door lock.

"Way back when Hope's mom was 15, she got pregnant by Hopes real father. I was the result. I was born and raised for 10 years. Then my father killed me and then proceeded to shove me in a closet with a nuce around my neck.

He wanted it to look like an accident. And that it did. Except, he didn't just stop there. He said that if anyone else came into his family, he would kill them too. Then, you came along.

He vowed by the time you were ten, he would kill you. You see, he walked out when you were five, so, you were never killed. Then he vowed that he would kill the members early, and that is why he killed your dead sister, who is now three by the way.

And then, Mom died, causing a miscarriage. A guess who caused the car accident?" She finished. I looked to the floor. I was now sitting on the ground by my bed. I got this look of hatred. "I'm gonna kill him." I said.

"I'm going to FUCKING kill him." I said. I raised my voice a bit. "You better have a plan, or you're next." She said. "Really not helping right now." Mark said, a little aggressively. I got up. I hugged my sister.

"Thank you for the truth." I said. "What's your name?" I asked. "My name... Is... Lillian." She said. "Okay." I said. She quickly grabbed my forearm and kissed it.

"This is the Last night you'll spend alone." She said.

I was looking down and crying. "Look me in the eyes so I know you know." She said. I looked at her in the eyes. They were completely white and they were glowing. "I'm everywhere you want me to be." She said. "I love you Hope. I really do." She said.

She was gone, just like that. She disappeared. I was still crying. I looked down at my arm. All the cuts were gone. Instead, there was a white, sown together heart on my wrist. Almost like a tattoo.

It wouldn't come off, but it didn't hurt. "Mark..." I said. I swallowed. "She... Healed me." I said. "She healed me." I repeated. He came next to me, and looked at my wrist. Then, out of nowhere, the letters L I L L I A N started to appear.

"Lillian." I said quietly. "Kid, this has been one hell of a night." Mark said. "Yes, yes it has." I said. Mom, Dad, if your hearing this I love you. And Lillian, I love you.

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