12: helped

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The BAU arrived at the hospital, meeting with many other detectives and police officers. They put a lockdown on the building, but since the bomber wasn't fully identified, patients from trauma could still enter. Reid felt this phone ring in this pocket.

"What do got have Gracia?"

"I've got a boy genius, Dale Brocklyn. He filed a lawsuit against the hospital about 2 weeks ago after his wife Lorie died." She replied.  "Photo sent to your phones."

"Thanks, Gracia," Reid says hanging up.

"Dale Brocklyn, his photo is on our phones." He tells the team.

"We need to slowly move in, we want to avoid setting him off as much as we can," said Hotch.

Everyone nodded.  Spencer, Emily, and Derek started to the building. When the building suddenly erupted from the inside. Sending the three backward. 


Lexie tried to blink back the pain throbbing in her head. She couldn't open her eyes because the pain was so bad. Her ears were ringing, the only noise she could make out was screaming. Terrified, bloody murder screams.

Lexie remembers his face, she new Dale Brocklyn was behind this. He blew up the ER, he knew Lexie would be here because of his other bombings. We fought back tears as the sounds of more screams filled her head. She reached up to her forehead, she felt an opened wound. She could feel some bone in her left arm was broken.

She had to get up. Her whole body ached, but she knew others needed help. She finally pried her eyes open, the sight was chilling. The whole ER had blown. Everything had a layer of ash piled on or was still on fire. Lexie saw too many dead bodies, patients who were already dying, patients would had a good chance of living, doctors. 

Slowly, she pulled her boy off the tile ground, once she was standing she tried someone she could help, but everyone seemed to need help.

Spencer sat up after being thrown back, after quickly realizing he was fine, and his team was fine, he began to panic. Lexie was inside. Inside the building that just exploded.

"Hotch, you have to let me go in." Spencer breathed. "I'm fine, Lexie's in there." he pleads with Hotch, he was going to save her. 

"Morgan, Emily, or you all alright?" Hotch asked, helping Emily up. she nodded in response.

"We're fine Hotch, but we do really need to get in there," Morgan said brushing himself off. 

"Alright, I'll alert SWAT and the bomb squad, but be careful, we don't know if another bomb is planted in there or not."

Spencer nodded, running into the building. The sight killed him, dead bodies everywhere about, doctors trying to help other patients, and finally Lexie. She was looking around aimlessly with tears in her eyes. Spencer an over to her.

"Lexie! Oh my god, Lex are you okay?" Spencer asked looking over her body for wounds frantically. Lightly placing his fingers on her forehead cut.

Lexie looked up at Spencer with confused eyes. When her eyes fell on his she relaxed.

"Spencer...Fin-find Caroline," she muttered before collapsing into Spencer's arms.

Spencer picked her legs up quickly and rushed her out to the ambulances from a different hospital. He quickly waved down a paramedic and set her small body on a gurney. He wanted to follow Lexie in the ambulance, but he needed to find Caroline, and make sure Brocklyn was dead. He kissed Lexie's forehead and sent her in the ambulance.

"Is he dead?" he asked JJ as he ran back into the building.

"Yea he's dead, wheres Lexie?"

"On the way to Northeast."

"Why didn't you go with her?"

"I have to find her best friend, Caroline James. I'm meeting her there once I do."

"Okay, I'll let Hotch know," JJ said patting Spencer's shoulder.

"Thanks, JJ." He called walking father into the building, scanning the room for Caroline.

A messy dark blonde braid caught his eye, she was laying next to a patient bed. Spencer hoped and prayed that when he placed his fingers on her neck he felt her heart beating. He bent down, slowly placing his finers on he neck, a light pulse hitting his fingers. He breathed a sigh of relif, picking her up to bring to the ambulances.

"Spencer? wheres Lexie? She looked around panicking.

"Don't worry, she's already headed to Northeast, we are going there now. Said Spencer. He laid Caroline onto a gurney and climbed onto the ambulance with her. He was going to make sure Lexie lived through this.

a/n: hey guys, sorry this chapter is shorter. i haven't had a lot of energy to write lately, but i promise the next chapter will be better. don't forget to vote, thanks for reading. i love y'all!

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