Trying My Best to Be Okay

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I went against my better judgment. When he called I had even intention of saying I couldn't, that I was tired and that I had to finish unpacking but he seemed to refuse to take no as an answer. Now I'm sitting here in a barely empty pub, nursing a drink waiting on the guy I really didn't want to see. The bartender kept giving me sad looks, as if he knew why I was here and honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he did. This town seemed to know things before I even did. I could guarantee that everyone already knew what was currently transpiring between Wy and I.

Staring down at the whiskey in my glass I was lost in thought. "Cassie?" Blinking a few times before looking towards the voice that had called out to me. I shot a quick tight-lipped smile towards him as he sat down next to me.

"Wyatt." I greeted, knowing if I didn't say anything it would just make things worse. "So...what did you want to talk about?" I wasn't going to dance around the elephant in the room. I wanted to get this over with so I could get back to my stupidly large apartment and cuddle up in bed with my cat. At least I knew what to expect there.

"Right to the point," I'm sure he didn't mean to let that come out but it did and I just stared at him a blank look in my eye. "I needed to explain myself. I know I have no reason to, and you probably don't want an explanation, but I need to explain it."

Turning towards him on the stool, I gestured towards the empty seat next to me. "Alright," My voice was hoarse as I agreed to his conditions. I put the drink to my lips and let the liquor enter my system, knowing I'd need it to hear this.

"You were gone, and you were living your best life," I nodded in agreement. Yes, I was gone, but I wasn't living my best life. Far from it to be exact. "I was going through a hard time and I missed you."

"So what? You went looking for the girl I was running from?" I scoffed, signaling to the bartender for another drink. I knew hearing his explanation was going to be difficult, because honestly there was no excuse for who he was with.

"I needed someone and so did she and I guess somewhere in the mess of missing you and her just...needing a place to crash we became something," He was speaking faster now, almost scared that I would up and walk off. "She knew it was temporary, she knew I belonged to you."

"Bet she couldn't wait to get you into bed upon hearing that speech."

"It wasn't like that. We just...hung out. Got to know each other and I get that she was the bad guy in your story but she helped me. You don't have to like that; you never have to like that but you have to accept it. You ran off- "

"And you could have come with me." Taking the glass of whiskey and draining the glass in my sitting I looked at him. "Even if she knew it was temporary, I saw the way she looks at you."

"And how's that?" He was getting fidgety, maybe it was his temper rising or the conversation was making him uncomfortable who knows but this was probably the only bit of time we were going to be honest with each other. Alcohol in our systems lowering our inhibitions.

"The same way I did," I mumbled. "Like you put the stars in the sky or some shit. That girl loves you Wy, and I know what she's capable of. You're going to tell me everything I want to here because you're feeling guilty but at the same time knowing where you've been I...I can't look at you the same." His shoulders slumped and he turned to look at the wall opposite the bar.

"What are you saying Cass?"

"I-" I wasn't sure so I just went with what first came to mind. "I came home for you, and I wanted to come back and everything be the way it was. I missed you, I loved you, and I just wanted you all the time that it started to become overwhelming so I thought if I got a job here, I'd be able to do that. Start over right?"

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