I Can See Us Twisted in Bedsheets

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Falling asleep in her apartment was something that could only be a dream, but then I looked across the room where she was curled in a ball, with that plush blanket wrapped around her body shielding her from the cold air coming from the A/C. We must have fallen asleep on the couch but at this point I didn't quite care. Just watching her sleep soundly from where I sat was worth more than anything right now.

There was a lot to figure out. She silently took a step forward last night; she chose me regardless of what she heard from Em. She found out about the ring and she didn't even think about running, she still invited me to stay the night regardless of Emily breaking into her house. That really only meant one thing to me. She still wanted me even with all of my flaws. This was what we were meant to do, not off screwing people who saw no future with.

"You're staring," I smiled when her voice broke through the silence, remaindering me once again that this was not a dream.

"I'm gazing." She finally stretched out, sitting up straight so that she could see me. "Morning."

"Morning," She sighed, reaching for one of the hair ties that seemed to cover the coffee table. She had a smile on her face but then she saw it, the ring that was rested on the table. I was hoping we would get further into the morning before we spoke about the elephant in the room but it was clear the piece of jewellery that was mocking the both of us, was difficult to ignore. Even at 9 AM. "So...the ring?"

"Yeah...listen, it's not what you think."

"What is it that I think Wy?" She leaned back, just enough so that she could tuck her legs up in front of her.

"That the ring was for her." Her figure tightened as I phrased the words that had been circling in her brain since last night. The ones she feared to speak out loud. "It wasn't. I bought it on a whim, I got you a Christmas present or birthday gift. I'm not sure which one anymore, and I saw it and thought of you. You were never supposed to see it until we were both ready."

She moved herself from where she sat, scooting herself closer to me. She had a small smile that reached her eyes and that's when I knew, she already knew. "Your sister told me you were out ring shopping two months after I had left town," She giggled, I didn't know how to react. She knew about the ring since then and never once brought it up. "I just...I wanted to see how you'd react."

"Yeah well..." I couldn't stop my hand from running through my hair. Just seeing her joke about the engagement ring, I purchased for her over two years ago made me realize just how out of touch with her I was. Yes, it was clear that Emily was still a trigger but when it came to commitment, she seemed more comfortable with it than anything else. "Now that you know, if I had asked when I bought it, what would you have said?"

She seemed to go into thought, brushing a loose strain of hair behind her ear. "Honestly at 18 I would have said no. We were kids, and, I didn't trust anyone let alone my own feelings." She was starting to fidget. "I use to wonder if we were each other's unfinished business. Y'know, the couple that fell in love while just being friends and then never get together because something's always telling you not too."

"Like you running from Emily, and your mother."

"And you never visiting." She sounded heartbroken when she said it. She was right. I never visited. I knew she wasn't wrong but it was a jab at my pride.

"And then there's this. Emily, and that guy that was here."

"We never got to have a chance at this, whatever it is." She admitted. It was my biggest fear. Always hoping for the next chance but there never being a next chance. Seeing her sitting there, just as scared as me, I knew this was it. Just as I had been expecting. No more obstacles, no more what if's. It was now or never.

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