The Story Of...

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At some point we managed to get into my bedroom, and that's where we laid. My head on his chest listening to his over powering heartbeat as the reality of what just transpired between us set in. Our skin was slick with sweat and I felt at ease. It was like everything was right in the world. Sneaking a glance up at him, I realize his eyes were shut once again.

"Now you're staring." I was wrong.

"I'm gazing as you would say," I chuckled sliding myself further on top of him so that I was straddling him. Looking down into his eyes that were now open and peering into mine. His hand moved to brush the hair out of my face. Everything was perfect.

"I love you," he whispered oh so quiet that I almost didn't even think he had said it. Until he had pressed his lips to mine again and repeated what he said. I wanted to say it, I really did because I do love him but I couldn't bring myself to say it. When he pulled back, I went to say it but the words didn't come out.


"I know, we'll get there," He smiled before rolling me underneath him again. I enjoyed the taste of me on his lips, if anything it was a turn on knowing that he was just as intoxicated by my touch as I was by his. Hiking my leg up so that my foot was at the crock of his knee, we were close to going another round. We both wanted to go around, I could feel it, but just like everything, the moment was ruined by his phone ringing.

He groaned but instead of answering it like I expected him to. He just hit the volume button on his IPhone. "Where were we?" He mumbled before pressing his lips to mine again. Everything was great right now, I had him, and that's all I needed. For that I was sure, because I hadn't been this happy since I had first heard him say the words, I love you, to me. I was laying in a daydream and for once I wasn't scared of waking up. I was quick to push myself further into his arms, snaking them up around his neck as I lost myself in the taste that was just him.

"Tell me you love me," I mumbled, hoping to get that shiver down my spine again as he said the words. I was on a high, and hearing those words just further ignite whatever fire that was burning in me.

He pulled back enough, just to brush my hair behind my face, a smirk on his face. "I love you Cassandra Hope Morrison," he stopped, leaning down to press his lips to mine but stopped, just millimetres away. "I always have, and I always will," It was a whisper but what was meant to be just a taunt to keep our little bubble going, was now something else.

It was everything I wanted to hear, but as usual something always stopped me from feeling the full meaning of his words. So, without responding I pulled him down so that my lips could touch his. I knew he deserved a better reply but right now that was all I could give him. So wrapped up in each other, neither of us heard the door open, but when it slammed shut, we were both quick to stop what we were doing.

"Cass, we need to talk!" I couldn't help but groan as he rolled off of me. I grabbed the closest oversized shirt I could find before heading out to the living room, where the uninvited guest was.

"How'd you get in?" It was the only question I could muster up as I spotted the blonde in my living room once again. Then I spotted it, the large bowl of spaghetti that my mother said she was sending over, sitting on my counter.

"Your mother was outside when I pulled up, so, I got her to let me in and here I am," Just seeing the smirk on her face made me sick to my stomach. I knew whatever she had to say in this moment wasn't going to be good news and I wasn't prepared for it. "From the looks of it," She stopped and looked at the clothing that was scattered on the floor, leading to my bedroom. "He's still here."

"If he was, it wouldn't be any of your business."

"I know, but I didn't come for him." Now I was confused. I thought for sure this was her last-ditch attempt at making me feel bad for stealing her boyfriend. "I need to ask you something, the night before you left, you didn't even call me to tell me you were leaving.

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