Anything Could Happen

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I never expected Emily to not realize what she had done. I always believed that she knew what had happened simply because when she started coming around, she always had this guilty look on her face. Sitting across from here last night was not at all what I expected. She had this ghostly look in her eye and everything about her was utterly defeated. While I knew Cass was struggling to even come up with the emotion to feel for the broken girl that sat in front of us, I couldn't help but feel her pain.

I had time to prepare for Cassie's disappearing act. I had time to prepare myself for a life without her, even if it was for only a few years. Emily didn't, and to Em, Cass was her best friend, regardless of how she treated her. "Em..."

"I need to," She had cut me off, breaking out of her trance and standing up. "I have to go."

"I agree." I had never heard Cass sound so definitive on something other than this. It was awkward, but she still followed the blonde to the door. At first, I thought things would end there but I was wrong. "Emily." Cass was quick to call out to her, and Em was quick to turn around, a hopeful look on her face. Cass had an aggressive stance and I knew she was already on edge from the surprise visit. I full expected an explosive comment. "Just don't go coming around here unannounced alright?"

I was surprised by the suddenly kindness in her voice. I watched in silence as she shut the door behind her old friend and she turned to me. Unsure of what to say, I just opened my arms, pulling her into a hug. The feeling of relief all too familiar.

Cass watched as Emily walked away from her, and towards the car that housed Caleb and McKenzie. They had just finished another one of their famous arguments, and it was clear that some thing was said that shouldn't have been. While she had this lost look on her face, her shoulders were less tense.

I didn't know what to do in this instant. If I said anything, it might not be what was she needed to hear, so I did the only thing I could do. Once Emily had driven off with Caleb, I pulled her into a hug. Wrapping my arms tightly around her as tears began to fall.

Finally pulling out of the hug, I moved my hands from her back to the side of her face. "I think it's time I take you on a date." I knew she wasn't confused but I could tell she was unsure. "All this time, falling in love, the fighting, the obstacles. There's one thing I've never done Cass, and that's take you on a proper date. So...if you will. Let's start this off right."

I thought for sure she was going to put up a fight but there was a twinkle in her eye that said otherwise. "Maybe it is about time you took me on a proper date," just to hear her tease me like that made me realize how much time we had lost. Next, I knew I had her pressed to the front door, my lips on hers, almost aggressively trying to get a taste of her. I could tell she even had a hard time keeping up with it as she let a small squeal out along with a laugh. "You're crazy Wy."

I knew that, and if I were to be cheesy, I'd tell her I was crazy about her, but I was done with the cheesiness. Right now, I was more interested in doing this. It wasn't long until she sunk into me, wrapping her arms instinctively around my neck before I pulled her up so that her legs were wrapped around my waist and her back was snug to the door.

Everything was great. I could do this without being ridiculed for making out with my brothers' girlfriend. I could do this without the guilt and I was loving every moment of it. Every decision, every action we make right now was purely on us and what we felt for each other.

While I knew we had more to talk about, but that could all wait. Right now, just knowing she was all in was enough. It wasn't long until I had us maneuvered from the front door to her bedroom again. Everything was going right, she was pinned between me and the bed, and then her phone went off. It was like we weren't meant to get further than just riled up and left to deal with the discomfort of no release.

Rolling off of her, my back connected with her bed. She was quick to get up and answer it, and I could tell just from the disappointed look on her face that this was the official end of our time together today.


Just seeing Luke's name flash across my phone screen angered me. I knew he probably wasn't calling for anything other than work purposes but right now it just frustrated me beyond belief. "Hello?" I could hear the annoyance in my voice and I flinched. I hated talking to any of my superiors in such a tone but I couldn't stop it from coming out.

"Hey, Cassie. It's Luke. Our other line worker just left with an upset stomach. I need you fast as you can." I could hear the panic in his voice as he probably tried to figure out how to fix this new found issue.

"Um...can you give me and hour? Maybe 90 minutes?" I couldn't say no. Especially not after I crossed a line with him. Refusing to work today might end up with a complaint or something against me, and I most definitely do not need this.

"That long?"

"Yeah, well, I kind of just got out of bed. I really can't just show up in my oversized t-shirt." I was almost appalled to hear that he believed that I could just up and go at his simple request. The silence on the other line was annoying. It was as if he was weighing the pros and cons of giving me the 90 minutes, I needed to get ready for work on last minutes notice.

"Alright, I'll see you then." I was about to reply when the screen went to the dial pad, signaling he had hung up on me. Groaning, I stood up from where I laid and headed straight for my dresser where I could get a pair of black dress pants and white dress shirt from my dresser. Once I had both in my hands, I turned to face the brown-haired boy, who laid half naked in my bed. My mouth moved but I couldn't form any words.


"I'm sorry Wy, I can't say no when they call." I wanted to stay, I really did, especially since this was the first few hours of absolute happiness, and it was all because I had this man laying next to me. "I wish-"

"I get it," He was quick to move to a stand. "But we still got 90 minutes." He mumbled, moving to kiss my neck. Pushing me out the door of the bedroom and towards the bathroom.

"If you follow me in there, it's going to be a lot longer than 90 minutes," I sighed, hating to just shut down the offer of some very...appetizing shower activities. "I would love for you to distract me in my shower Wyatt, but it just isn't worth getting written up for being late."

"Don't worry Cass, I was just teasing." He sighed, giving my butt a quick swift slap before walking towards the kitchen. Seeing him genuinely at peace here at my apartment did my heart good. While I knew starting this thing tangled in bedsheets had some benefits to it, but it also complicated things. We knew what we were getting, after the third or forth actual date. Hitting the sheets isn't going to be some majestic thing, it'll just be another night, and that I'm worried about.

I sent him a small, cheeky smile before disappearing into the bathroom. While I knew this was our new normal. Whether it'll be here or at his place, seeing each other as often as this was something to get use to. Being able to touch him, and hear him from another room and not a computer screen, it was magical to me. Strange but magical.  Now that we're working towards this more than every, we might just be able to make it work. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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