Chapter 3: My Name's Byun Baekhyun

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Seon's P.O.V

Gosh, that was close.

I can't see him right now. I need to avoid him for now. I am still embarrassed by what happened yesterday.

I know he rejected me politely but he is the first person that I fell in love with and to me it really hurt.

My heart hurts.

Whatever Seon. You need to get over him.

Now breathe. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

Okay, now I'm ready to go to class. What class do I have first? I checked my schedule for today and it was English. Okay.

I can do it. I can do it. Fighting!!

"Hey I need to pee now. Can you get out of there?" Someone said to me from the other side of the door. I was in one of the bathroom cubicles and maybe I was too long in here.

I quickly go out of the cubicle and found an angry looking girl who badly wants to pee glaring at me.

"I'm sorry I took to long." I said.

"Huh. Took you long enough." She said and went in.

I sighed and started walking to my class. When I got there, Zhoumi was standing outside of my class. When he saw me, he immediately walked towards me.

"Sorry for mentioning his name just now." he said and gave me a sympathetic look.

"No, it's fine. I'm fine. I just don't wanna meet him now." I said.

"Okay then. I'm sorry again. I guess I'll see you at lunch?" He said with a small smile and I replied him, "Yeah, see you at lunch."


Finally lunch break is here! I'm really getting tired of sitting around in class and listening to teachers. Well I love my teachers but I just get tired of them.

Yixing and didn't talk during English class. Guess he too felt that I don't wanna talk to him for a while. I went out to the big tree that I usually go to read my book.

But I noticed that there was someone else already sitting there while eating his lunch. He looks really familiar.

"Excuse me, this is my spot." I said to him and he searched for the voice who was speaking to him.

"Oh sorry. I didn't know." He said and got ready to stand up.

"Wait, wait, wait. Don't stand up. I'll sit down next to you. You just continue eating." I said and smiled.

He continued eating and I read my book. I don't really eat on lunch break. I usually eat a lot during breakfast so I don't have to eat during lunch break.

"Why are you reading that book and not eating?" he asked me.

"I already ate a lot during breakfast. I usually don't eat when it's lunch break." I said to him still keeping my eye at my book.

"Gosh. You must eat like a pig during breakfast huh?" He said. What the-

"What did you say? I eat like a pig?" He chuckles and replied, "I'm just kidding Lee Seon."

How does he know my name?

"How do you know my name?" I asked him. He smiled and looked at me and said, "Well, firstly it's because I read your name tag and secondlu because your the one who always hang out with Yixing and Zhoumi."

"Oh right." I said to him.

"My name's Byun Baekhyun. I'm on the soccer team." he said.

Byun Baekhyun? So that's why he looks so familiar. I always went to Zhoumi's soccer game so I always see him there too.

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