Chapter 3: Welcome to Hell

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(Angie's Prom Dress!!👆)

~Paul's POV~

It was very clear to me what was going on in this situation. I mean, we did live in the year 2020 where literally everybody knows what zombies are.

We had all tried to call our families but as fate would have it, all of our phones had zero reception for some unknowm reason.

"I think this whole situation is right up your alley Bianet." I spoke up and shared a seat with Stephanie because I was getting tired of squatting down.

"I know dude. But this is crazy though." Bianet kept her eyes on the road.

"Shit, how do we know you aren't trying to trick us like those guys on YouTube do?" Angie moved closer so the lady could be in her line of sight.

"I... I don't think she's lying. Before we came to pick up Stephanie, the news was on at Shaylas house. It was saying something about how the virus made them aggressive and stuff." I spoke up.

"Why didn't you say anything??" Shayla finally spoke after a while.

"Well... I didn't really think it would be anything to worry about. Literally hardly anyone knows where we live." I was visibly shaking, I felt that weird feeling in my stomach when you get nervous or scared.

"I made the same mistake you did." The lady played with the buttons on her black pencil skirt. "On the way over to the store the news kept repeating something about people acting aggressive and crazy. I was not expecting this though..."

"Bianet... Where are we going?" I heard Stephanie ask.

"I don't know... Should we risk going back home? Ah fuck... I was going to stop by the gas station because we are almost out of gas." She sighed and bit her lip worriedly.

"We shouldn't chance it. If we get stuck on the highway there's no getting out of that situation without asking for a ride." Angie was tightening the straps on her heels just in case.

"Angie's right. We should stop by the gas station real quick." Stephanie agreed with her.

"What if there's more of them at the gas station?" Shayla planted the thought in our minds.

"When we went to go get food everything seemed normal." Stephanie scooted over a little bit more so I had more space.

"Anything can happen in a short amount of time." Bianet was heading to a gas station nearby already.

"I just realized... Um... Sorry we didn't get your name ma'am." I looked over at the lady.

"It's Piper. Thank you all for helping me out when you did. I don't think I would be alive if it wasn't for you." She smiled gratefully.

"Ah, you should be thanking Bianet. She's the one who gave us all a ride." I gave the credit to her because well... It technically was thanks to her.

"In that case, thank you so much." She sent the gratitude towards her.

"No problem." She smiled.

We all took deep breaths when we slowly pulled into the gas station and we noticed there weren't any cars thankfully. She parked in the usual space to pump some gas.

"Damn, we got lucky. The gas completely ran out." She pushed some of her hair back.

"Okay... So, I think two of us should go inside and one of us should be pumping gas, while the others are on the lookout in case any of the zombies decide to show up." Bianet said.

"That sounds like a good strategy." I gave her a thumbs up.

"I'll be one of the ones to go inside. I watched hella movies of this so I should be good to go." Bianet unlocked all the doors of the car.

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