Chapter 4: Self Defense

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(Shaylas prom dress! Left ←
Bianet on the right →)

~Paul's POV~

One of the disgusting creatures immediately lunged over the counter leaving a messy blood stain on the floor when he fell to the ground.

It hastily stood up and literally sprinted to the closest person.

In this case, it was Angie.

Instead of running, which would technically be a bad idea since she was wearing pretty tall heels, she grabbed the closest thing to use as a weapon.

Her luck was evident when she grabbed a baseball bat from the sales rack. The zombie was no smart cookie, so it ran straight for her without dodging.

She swung at his head and the loud sound of the wooden bat breaking at his skull was heard all throughout the room.

He was a tough one as he stumbled into a pile of stacked cans, making a huge rattle of a noise.

The zombie didn't let up and started to get back up almost immediately.

My attention was ripped away when I was shoved to the floor and I instinctively brought out my arms. I was holding back the second zombie, my adrenaline pumping in at a good time as I managed to push him away.

His snapping teeth sounded so loud in front of my face and a string of saliva and blood was slowly making it's way down to my chest.

Funnily enough, THAT was what gave me the extra boost of strength and I threw him off of me. I crawled backwards, holding the tulle so I wouldn't trip when I stood up.

It hastily crawled over to me like a possessed person and I kicked it square in the forehead with the sharp part of my heel.

It made a loud squishy noise as blood oozed out from it's head. I used my other leg and stomped his head to the cold, hard ground.

It shot out a stream of dark blood and left a bloody mess on the white floor.

I breathed deeply and backed up a bit before collapsing down to the floor, the mesh overlay of my dress surrounded me in a beautiful wave but I couldn't even bother with it.

I killed him.

I never... I didn't think I would have it in me to kill another person.

I looked over to Angie and she herself, was supporting herself against the wall, clutching the bat in her right hand.

I looked at the two bodies and then over to my friends who all seemed to look quite traumatized.

"A little help next time would be wonderful guys!" I angrily spat at them as I pushed myself up and off the ground.

"For reals. Y'all could have done something to help." Angie was just as upset as I was.

"We were all looking for weapons to use to fight back!" Bianet defended everyone.

First things first.

"How didn't you see them in here?!" I yelled to the cute guy.

"I was in the bathroom on my phone for a long ass time! I don't know!" He defended himself.

"So you're telling me you couldn't hear all the commotion from in the bathroom?" I questioned him.

"No. I couldn't." He pulled out his white ear phones and waved them in front of me.

I closed my eyes briefly and inhaled. "Alright. Point proven." I turned to the group.

"As we speak, those things out there are slowly but surely making their way inside here. That glass isn't going to hold that many of them. If we don't think of a plan quick, they will come into this building and have a free buffet." I pointed to the mass of undead corpses aggressively slamming their palms on the glass.

"Let's calmly look around for weapons this time. There has to be something in here for all of us." Bianet instructed the group.

"Shit, well I'm done." Angie lifted up her wooden bat with a blood stain in the air.

"Anything in there for me?" I asked while walking over to the sales rack.

"Yes actually." She pulled out a black lace thong.

"Haha, very funny." I rolled my eyes and held back my laugh. She grinned at me and made her way over to the snack section to get something to eat.

I made a duck face subconsciously while looking down at the thong. I casually bent down and picked it up, stuffing it into the bodice of my dress.

"Uh... What are you doing?" Stephanie raised an eyebrow confused.

I turned to face her with my eyes wide.

"I was fixing my titties." I replied while pulling up my dress.

"Boy, you ain't got no titties." She laughed and made her way past me into the next aisle. I sighed in relief.

"I saw that, feisty princess." The hot guy teased from the other side of the room.

"Bitch you didn't see anything." I turned my back to him and sassily walked down the aisle like a model.

Mm... Now... Let's see. What could I use as a weapon?

I was immediately drawn to the
hardware section where there was a bunch of metal tools.

I went on the opposite side and picked up a frying pan and gripped it in my hands. "This would be perfect for Stephanie!" I said out loud and I grabbed a hammer for me.

"Steph! Come here!" I called out to her and she showed herself after a little while. I handed her the frying pan and she nodded. "Better than anything I could find to be honest."

I grinned and held the hammer close to me as we went to the front. So, Shayla, was carrying a random metal bat she had found. Bianet had found a kitchen knife and to be honest it suited her since she was already good at fighting.

Close contact was her kind of thing.

Piper, had taken hold of an umbrella and I didn't question it since there wasn't many options for weapons in here.

The cute guy pulled out a pocket knife and was carrying it around but as long as he had something it was cool.

"Are we all good to go?" Shayla asked everyone.

We all gave small nods in response and some of us verbally gave her the: "We're good to go."

"I'm sure the cashier must have a gun or something hidden behind the counter. I'll go check." Piper carefully stepped over the bodies and went behind the counter.

I wondered if it was a good idea for her to be barefoot or not.

She pulled out a handgun, and some keys which were probably for the doors to this place.

"I've never used a gun before. I don't think this would suit me." She walked over to us and held the gun out.

"Neither have we though..." Angie responded for all of us.

"Surprise. I have." The hot guy spoke up and oddly enough, I was not surprised.

"Well... You can't just go around shooting every zombie that pops up! It'll make noise!" I lectured him after Piper hesitantly gave him the gun.

"I'm not dumb princess." He winked and made sure it was loaded.

Okay, why did he have to be so hot though.

"Get some you slut." Angie whispered to me and I turned my face in embarrassment.

"Shut up." Was all I could come up with.

Our small comedic relief was broken apart when we all heard the sound of glass cracking. We all turned and saw in horror as the windows began to very slowly grow thin cracks on it's surface.

"Let's move!" Bianet yelled. We headed to the back room, Piper used the keys she found to unlock the door and we all made our way inside closing the door behind us and locking it.


End of Chapter 4

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