Subaru Sakamaki Sequel

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All the ride way to school was very uncomfortable because Yui and you were sandwiched by the triplets. Ayato was sitting between you both as you were beside Laito and Yui with Kanato.

"Guys..." You looked at the rest while Laito played with your hair. "Isn't there any room to scoot over? Why are you all sitting so close together?"

"Shut up! Just deal with it!" Ayato replied, yelling. 

You turned to him, frowning angrily, and replied back. "But it's very--"

"Hey, hey, Feisty chan~ To make sure I have enough energy to get through a full day's worth of classes, may I... eat you?" Laito said as he kissed your cheek. You pushed his face away but Laito took the chance of kissing your palm, making you jerk your hand away from him.

Suddenly your wrist was grabbed by Subaru as he pulled you towards the seat beside him. "Wahh!" 

Ayato quickly stood up and yelled at his brother. "Oi, Subaru! What the hell you doin'?!"

"Shut up! Go and sit down!" 

You looked at Subaru in curiosity. "Did he... help me?"

"Uhm... Subaru, Thank y--" As you were going to thank him, he suddenly cut you off and yelled at you instead. "And YOU! What were you doing playing around with them?! You should've resisted, Idiot!"

Your mouth gaped in curious why he yelled at you before you frowned in anger because he called you an idiot. "Idiot?! B-Because I got sandwiched as soon as Yui and I got in the car! That's not my fault! Okay?!" You yelled back, and he then yelled back at you. 

"Why didn't you sit next to me from the start?! None of this would've happened if you did!"

Ayato turned his head away from the fight between you and Subaru, Kanato mumbled from being so noisy and Yui watched in uncomfortable as she was thinking how to stop the fight between you and Subaru.

"... How unusual for Subaru to have this sort of attitude." Reiji said, pushing his glasses.

"... They're sort of similar to each other." Shu said as he sat beside Laito. 

"Hmph." Subaru turned his head and rested his chin on his hand. You turned to him as you didn't know why he saved you from Laito. 

"... He's violent and harsh, but... maybe he's not that creepy of a person that he's been."




~After school~

After you changed your clothes, you went to the dining room to eat dinner. You noticed that Subaru didn't come down to eat dinner, so you asked Reiji's permission to go get Subaru. Reiji didn't say anything as he allowed you.

You went upstairs and knocked on the door of Subaru's room. "... Subaru, may I enter your room?" 

There was no response from the room so you decided to enter the room. "We're having dinner, so can you come downstairs--" You found that Subaru wasn't in the room. You looked around the room, looking for him before your eyes laid on the coffin.

"... Vampires really do sleep in coffins." You approached the coffin, knocked the lid off it, and said. "Hey, Subaru. If you don't hurry and come down, Reiji would be mad at you!"

There was no response coming out of the coffin, you frowned in annoyance before you got up and kicked, waking him up. "Hey, get out of here, would you?!" You grunted before starting to leave the room. "I'll go now as you don't want to go eatin--"

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