Samaina: Do Badan Ek Jaan-1

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Vishakha: Zid mat karo Sameer. Tum donon ek dusre se bahut alag ho aur main daave ke saath keh sakti hoon ki tumhari aur uski jodi nahi tikegi! Tum samajhte kyun nahi?

Sameer: Hum donon ek dusre se bahut alag hain toh kya Ma? Haven't you heard opposites attract? Aur itne daave ke saath mat kahiye kyunki main jaanta hoon aapka yeh daava theek nahi saabit hoga! Tell me the truth mom, this isn't just about both of us being different from each other, isn't it?

Vishakha: Yes, you are right! It's not just about you both being different from each other. It's also about our caste and class. That girl, she belongs to a middle-class family. What is the guarantee that she loves you truly and not because of your wealth and status?

Sameer: (shocked) How can you even say such a thing Ma? Is this how much you have understood Naina? I didn't expect you to place caste and status above your son's happiness!

Vishakha: You are getting me wrong Sameer! Marriage is not some joke. Tell me what is the guarantee that she truly loves you and isn't behind your money? She is a topper, perfect in everything and has a fighter spirit but you, you have always been an average student, imperfect in almost everything you do and you give up so fast. Tell me truthfully, if you didn't have this charm, this handsome face and wealth, would she still have loved you despite you being so imperfect?

Sameer: (with confidence) Yes! She would have loved me the same even if i dint have this wealth and status!

Sameer's confidence did make Vishakha doubt her own assumptions regarding Naina but still she knew she had to be 100% sure.

Vishakha: I need proof Sameer! How do I believe?

Sameer: Do you know Ma that it's because of Naina, you and I share a lovely bond today?

Vishakha: What??

Sameer: Yes! You want a guarantee right that she isn't after my money, then let me give you that guarantee.Let me tell you our story.

I met her for the first time in PVKM. When I did, due to some misunderstandings, she became a member in the list of people I disliked.
But do you know, she had fallen for me at the very first sight, when she dint know who I was? She has always been the studious kind, whose life revolved around her family, friends and books. But when I came, I became the top priority for her. She had never looked towards a boy before and I was the only one she looked at and still looks at. She lied for the very first time in her life to save me from getting rusticated because the cigarette thrown by me ignited fire in the chemistry lab infront of the external examiners. She had not lied even for her sister,but she did for me!
Despite her brother being in the head boy competition, she helped me study.
Yes, later a few more misunderstandings occurred between us, like the paper stealing, which I hadn't done but she misunderstood me, due to which Rakesh sir insulted me and you left me. This made me hate her! I was furious at her and in that fury, I placed a bet that I will make her fall in love with me and then insult her. I started working towards it. She was angry with me for stealing the papers but soon understood I wasn't the one behind it. So she forgave me and I started spending my time with her, because of the bet. Gradually, spending time with her I got to know so much more about her and that's when I started feeling guilty, because she was, no is, such a pure and innocent soul!
During the Mount Abu trip, we came closer. I didn't realise that I had fallen for her! You know what all she did for me?
She took me to her room, risking her reputation, all because I was suffering from cold as I was outside. Mundit had slept off after drinking and I knew, if I approached the teacher for a spare key, they would be rusticated. So I chose to spend the night outside. But she, she got so worried looking at my ill health that she gave me her shawl and blackmailed me into coming to her room! She gave me the medicine and made me sleep on her bed, covering me with blankets. She went and slept next to Swati. You know right, how big a thing it is to get a guy to your room? Yet she did it, because for her, my health was of greater importance than her reputation.
You don't know the extent of her love Ma
You know, I burnt my fingers while trying to put my weird shaped chapathi on the tawa and was cross at her because she thought I was joking and she dint feel my pain. I dint know then that I loved her but still she not understanding my pain, hurt me and I told her that she will not understand this pain unless she herself experiences it! And do you know what she did? She burnt her hands too, because she loved me so deeply that she wanted to feel my pain.
And you know, she knit a sweater for me! Spending her own pocket money, hiding from her family, she knit a sweater for me! Our bond then wasn't good Maa and I had heard Munna talking about the love of a mother in her handmade sweater. This made me sad and hurt. You had never made one for me ! I guess she heard it too because she made it. Ma, she also doesn't have a mother so she understood that pain so well! I was overwhelmed and decided to tell her that day itself that it was all for a bet because I knew she would be extremely hurt if she were to get to know from someone else!
But again, fate! That day you and Mr.Somani saw me fighting with those bet boys, but do you know the reason? It was because they were going to tell Naina which I dint want because I wanted to tell her myself. But you din't, as usual, ask the reason and even refused to recognise me! It hurt Ma! It really hurt! And you know, I even behaved rudely with her because I was angry and hurt, but still she came behind me to know why I was so hurt and angry! She supported me then and she confessed her feelings! But my bad luck, the bet boys came right then and revealed everything to her.
She was broken Ma. She was shattered. She was hurt beyond words. I broke her fragile and delicate heart which she had given to me!
When we came back..she ...she was hospitalised!! I saw her in the hospital, she..she was so lifeless. Her smile had disappeared and she changed. She was rude and curt towards me. Ultimately, she confronted me and poured out all her anger on me. She told me to go out of her life and that she can never forgive me. That's when I realised I had fallen in love! I had fallen in love with her! And then began my journey of repentance. It took a lot of efforts until she finally forgave me and gave a chance to our relationship.
And one more thing Ma, Nanu knew about Naina and had approved our pair. He also gave his blessings by giving her Nani's saree. You know, Naina had saved his life too, by taking him to the hospital when he had collapsed on the road, missing her debate competition for which she had taken punishment too!

Vishakha is shocked by his revelations. She is so overwhelmed that she isn't able to speak a word!

S: You know Ma, she always understood me more than myself. She always knew when to do what. Even in the initial time, when I disliked her and was with her just for the bet, she always understood. With her, I began to share those feelings of mine which I hadn't even told Mundit! She transformed me completely. Unknowingly, I started inculcating good habits and reduced on my bad ones. I stopped smoking and drinking. I started going to the temple. I started taking interest in academics. I started understanding relationships. And do you know, it was her who told me to try to understand you and give this relationship a chance. She took a promise from me that I will keep my anger in control and try to mend broken relationships. She was the one who made me realise the importance of family and relationships.
You don't know Ma, Dadi used to torture me. Giving me stale food, locking the telephone so that I cannot talk to Naina, trying to make Rohan and Deepika against me, damaging the things close to me... She did everything to make my life miserable. She made my Naina's sweater into a sweep cloth, because she knew how important it was for me. She put this into my mind that I was unlucky, that's why the people I love leave me forever. That's why you were also ill, because of me. Listening to her, I distanced myself from Naina, because I didn't want to harm her.
She was the one who brought me out of it!

The girl who loved me to such an extent that she burnt her fingers and risked her reputation for me. The girl who spent her entire pocket money and nights to knit the sweater for me. The girl whose heart I broke, yet in the end she did forgive me. She gave a chance to us. The girl who is so good at heart that she prioritized taking an old man to the hospital than attending her debate competition. The girl who tended all my wounds. The girl who gave her everything to me. The girl who changed me for good. The girl who understood me to such an extent,, to which I myself dint understand. The girl who made me realise importance of relationships. The girl who gave back my lost family. The only girl who resides in my heart as well as my dreams. The girl who made me realise how lucky I am. The girl who left me because she dint want me to be humiliated by her family. Yes, she loved her family more but that in any way doesn't mean she loved me less. The girl who scolded and slapped me for missing my exams which I did just to save her. Naina, that one girl because of whom I am what I am today! And you still think she is after my money and doesn't love me?

Vishakha is completely tongue tied. How wrongly she had thought about Naina, just because she was a middle-class girl. How could she not see that her Sameer, who was just like her father, would never make the wrong choice! Her father too had approved of their pair and had blessed them by giving Naina, his wife's saree. How could see not see that though they were opposites, they complimented each other so well! Naina had done so much for her by returning her, her son yet she had wanted to snatch her Sameer from her! How gulity Vishakha felt about her actions! Her mother-in-law had tortured her son yet she couldn't do anything for him. Despite all this, Sameer stood strong and it was all because of Naina.

That day, she realised Naina and Sameer are twin flames. They are meant to be together. Nothing can keep them apart. They are perfect examples of Do Badan Ek Jaan! They both reside in each others hearts and will never and can never be separated.


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