Boundless - 2

333 62 28

"Why have you been stalking me?"

He turns to find her staring at him with her arms crossed. She has a stern expression on her face and this makes him gulp.


"Listen, don't try to act innocent! I have seen you stalking me from the past few days!"

Knowing there's no point in lying, he sighs and says

"Hmm yes, I have been stalking you!"

"Why and who are you by the way?"

"Listen, I actually need your help. My name is Sameer, Sameer Maheshwari! I belong to a grade higher than you! Sit here, I'll tell you everything"

She nods and sits down and he sits right infront of her, across the table.

He tells her everything truthfully and requests her to help him out.

"See, I agree am not any good boy, but playing with someone's feelings is something I just cannot bring myself to do! So please just help me out here and let me finish my bet!"

He looks at her with hopeful eyes while she just looks at him without any expressions for sometime. After few minutes of silence, she says

"I appreciate your honesty, but tell me, what if I wouldn't agree then?"

"No, you'll agree for this! I know it!"

"Why do you think I will agree for this? What am I getting out of it anyways? It's niether gain nor loss for me, so why should I step in?"

"Well if I help you in fulfilling your dream of becoming a fashion photographer, will you help me out?"

"How do you know becoming a fashion photographer is my dream? This piece of information you couldn't have possibly got even by stalking! Then?"

"What's so difficult in that? You have been ardently sitting here and going through books on fashion photography, it obviously means it's your dream to become a fashion photographer!"

"Hmm..And how will you do that?"

"My Mom's best friend is into this field. You can train under her"

She thinks for sometime and says

"Fine then! If you get me this opportunity, I'll be your pretend girlfriend for a week!"


"Done deal!"

They shake hands and he leaves the library.

Naina( in mind): What a plan you have made to break me Kartik Malhotra! You think you can avenge your rejection by doing all this?? Huh sorry, but my stars are lucky. Thank God it's a person like him whom he has given this job. Anybody else wouldn't have been honest with me! This guy surely has guts to stand by his values!



Meet at the café

Lots of love,

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