Chapter One

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Y/N Pov
*Viva La Vida music playing in background*

Uh.. how do I do this "inter-monologue" thing that I always see in anime? Wait- I think I'm doing it... okay whatever. #yolo ! omg I can't believe I just said that. Swan dive ✌🏼. Anyway, my name is Y/N L/N and I'm hiding in an old club room at my school to avoid everyone. Rude, maybe, but I can't help it. I've never been one to want attention. What can I do though, when everyone thinks I'm the "nice girl that wouldn't hurt a fly"?

"I used to rule the world"

I'm not the brightest at hiding when it comes to singing though.. I'm kinda loud..oops.

"Seas would rise when I gave the word"

I try to sing as much as I can but school gets in the way of that. At home is my best bet. Home... if that's what you call it.

"Now in the morning, I sleep alone"

My parents to put this nicely.. abusive and alcoholic scumbag assholes. They're hardly home but when they are, it's not pretty.

"Sweep the streets I used to own"

I can hide the bruises pretty well. Usually. Sometimes they're more visible and can't be hid with the uniform. My upperclassmen and teachers will ask about them and I just tell them that I fell or ran into something.

"I used to roll the dice"

I'd give them a reassuring smile and they'd smile back and walk away.

"Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes"

"Listen as the crowd would sing"

I wouldn't expect anything more or less though. Ah whatever. I'm done thinking about this stuff.

"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"

"One minute I had the key"

"Next the walls were closed on me"

"And I discovered that my castles stand upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand"

Akaashi Pov
"And then I did a crazy cool spike! Akaashi did you see it!? Did ya did ya did ya??" Bokuto exclaimed. "Yes Bokuto I-" I stopped talking as I heard an angelic voice singing nearby but I couldn't find where. In an old classroom or club room maybe? "Akaashi-" "Bokuto shh. Do you hear that? Help me find the room where it's coming from." I said and began quietly opening doors. Then we found it. The girl inside was facing away from the door so we decided to sneak in and listen. Somehow Bokuto managed to be quiet too.

"I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing"

"Roman Cavalry choirs are singing"

"Be my mirror, my sword and shield"

"For some reason I can't explain once you go there was never, never and honest word"

"And that was when I ruled the world"

Wow. She was wow. Even from behind her, her voice was loud and clear. I wanted to sing along but I didn't want to scare her. So I held my voice in and continued to listen.

"It was wicked and wild"

"Blew down the doors to let me in"

"Shattered windows and the sound of drums"

"People couldn't believe what I'd become"

"Revolutionaries wait for my head on a silver plate"

"Just a puppet on a lonely string"

"Oh, who would ever want to be king?"

"I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing"

"Roman Cavalry choirs are singing"

"Be my mirror, my sword and shield"

"My missionaries in a foreign field"

"For some reason I can't explain"

"I know Saint Peter won't call my name"

"Never an honest word"

"But that was when I ruled the world"

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh"

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh"

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh"

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh"

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh"

Crap, we gotta leave soon. I nudge Bokuto and gave him a warning look and he nodded.

"I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing"

"Roman Cavalry choirs are singing"

"Be my mirror, my sword and my shield"

"My missionaries in a foreign field"

"For some reason I can't explain"

"I know Saint Peter won't call my name"

"Never an honest word"

Bokuto and I slowly exited the room and closed the door.

"But that was when I ruled the world"

The bell rang and Bokuto and I walked back toward our classes.

Y/N Pov
The bell rang meaning lunch is over. Dang. Oh well. I turned my music off and walked to class. Fake smile... on.

Time skip cause nothing happened in anyway classes except the one imma write now :p (still your pov)

It was the last class of the day, finally. It was a writing class which I don't particularly hate, but I don't like it either.

"Today we'll be starting a partner project. You will be in groups of two and I will assign the groups." The teacher explained. You zoned out everything until you hear your name.

"And finally, L/N and Akaashi, you two will be partners for the project. You two will each write and essay and create one poster about F/T." The teacher looked to the rest of the class, "This project is due Monday next week. So that gives you all today and the rest of the week to write your essay about the topics you were assigned and come up with a poster design." You looked around and noticed some sitting next to you, "Akaashi, right?" You asked with a smile and a small wave. "Yeah. So do you want to work on this after school? We could go to your house if you're more comfortable with that." He said. "M-my house.." you started. Akaashi noticed your hands began to shake a little. "I actually am more comfortable not being at my house.." you said loud enough for only Akaashi to hear. "That's fine. I understand." He reassured with a light squeeze on your hands (mom habit). He didn't fully understand but he heard the gossip about the bruises on you from the kids at school so he had an idea.

*ding dong*

"Let's go." He said, returning the smile you gave him only a few minutes ago. He let go of your hand after you two walked out of the school gates. "This is weird.. I don't feel annoyed by him like I do with everyone else.. why?" I thought to myself.

Oooo what's gonna happen at Akaashi's house???  I'm sorry if this was a little long. I'm so excited for this ahhh!! Okay imma sleep now cause it's 3am😘✌🏼

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