Chapter 1

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"Blake, we're home."
I reached the front door with Blake a few steps behind me; we witnessed many faeries wandering and playing on the lawn. A woolly bug brushed against my scalp before reuniting with their friends. I knocked on the door before waiting for Elias or Silky to answer. I moved my hand to my noseonce morewhile a smile smeared on my face; Blake questioned my actions. Before I could answer him, the door opened to reveal a boneheaded mage. "Luka, Blake, welcome home." As I smiled at Elias, our robes swayed with the semi-intense wind, "It's good to be back." 
Stepping into the living room, I admired the decor, which changed drastically in the time we left. "Where's Silky?" As I spoke, the fairy walked in: she carried a tea set with finger sandwiches to place them on the coffee table. I sprinted towards her to grasp her hands, "Silky! How have you been?" After sharing a warm embrace, she nodded to signify she was well.

As we rested on the sofas, I offered tea to the other two, which they rejected. Lifting the intricate teapot, I poured myself a cup of jasmine tea, "You've finally taken on an apprentice, right?" Blake stood behind me while he stared out the window. "Her name is Chise, Chise Hatori. I'm sure you know that she is a Sleigh Beggy." Interest and impatience filled my purple orbs as I sat at the edge of my seat. Bombarding the mage with questions, I sprung up, like a bunny, "Where is she? Can I see her, please?" Behind me, the amber-eyed man groaned at my eagerness, but I concentrated on Elias, "She's having a bath right now. If you want to, you can wait for her." My curiosity controlled my limbs when I made my way towards the bathroom with Blake behind me in his cat form.

Once we arrived at the bathroom, I picked up Blake to admire his adorable figure; I rarely see him transform into his cat form voluntarily. I brushed Blake's pure white fur until he felt drowsy, "Luka. Do you remember when you made me your familiar?" I glanced at him, but averted my attention to the oak planks, "I remember it too well. It was whe—" The paper-coloured cat leapt up to my head when the creak of the bathroom door intruded my recollection; a ruby-haired girl stepped out to stand a little shorter than me. My eyes flicked between her facial features: she reminded me of the messenger robin.

Chise tensed when she saw me, yet I sent her a reassuring smile, in the hopes, she would calm down. I offered my hand to stroll back to the living room together, "Hello, Chise, how are you?" Her irises bounced between Blake and me before she stuttered, "I'm f-fine..." I tightened my grip on her hand to drag her into the living room; I looked behind me to notice Chise staring at my special ribbon, "Do you want one too?" Once she realised I caught her, she turned away when her pale face gained colour; I giggled like a child, "I'll take that as a no, but my offer is always up for grabs."

The living room came into eyesight: Elias relaxed with one leg on top of the other while reading a book. I guided Chise towards the couch to let her sit down before me. Blake jumped down from my head to return to his human form; I rested beside the apprentice with Blake behind us, once again. Soon after, Silky placed more food on the table for Chise; I gave her a gentle smile before she returned to the kitchen.

"You look like you have a lot of questions on your mind. I'll try to answer them, it'll be like a bedtime story," Elias straightened his back after settling his thin book on the coffee table. The redhead focused on him when she collected several questions in her mind, "Um, who are they?"
"Luka Shiji is the caretaker of The Celestial Sea, but she lives with us. She's a powerful mage, who has the power to control the stars and the sea. The man standing behind her, Blake, is her familiar." When Elias finished his semi-explanation, I saluted Chise while she gawked at her hands, "Familiar?"
"Don't worry about it, you'll learn with time." Chise shifted her interest from her fingers to me, only to witness me with my eyes shut. I cupped my hands to form a golden orb with swirls of water magic surrounding it; my hair swayed from the energy in the room. I opened my eyes to give her a cheerful grin, although she focused on the celestial orb. "Chise, would you like to hold it?" Before Chise could ask Elias for permission, he allowed her to possess the mysterious ball. Chise mimicked the hand formation, ready to receive it; I gently placed the orb above her hands until it sunk into her palms. Once it came into contact with her skin, it dispersed into sparks of gold and aquamarine, which surprised Chise for a short amount of time. A keychain of a star, with water droplets encircling it, appeared in her hands. "Take it as a gift for our meeting, Chise."

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