Mission Code: 6

58 4 3



Keith and Pidge came to a stop as they reached a small wooden arch that took two steps up to stand under. It was round with white wooden plants as the floor that was currently lifting up like a hatch. 

Keith glanced to Pidge who had a worrying frown on her lips as she looked to the entrance and knowing his luck with her warnings in the past, he had a feeling this won't be fun. 

"Please dont' warn me" Keith spoke up earning a small laugh from the girl beside him.

"I don't even want to be warned of what might be down there .. I just know that the master mind is hidden within" Pidge muttered as she glanced to Keith who had the same unsureness leaking from him as she had. 

"I have my knife" Keith offered as he pulled it out, the sheath still on and he soon started strapping it over his sleeve. 

"Where did you even have that" Pidge asked uneasy as she watched him.

"It was in my boxes" Keith answered slightly embarrassed.

"You um wash your knife right, I mean like later you'll clean it .. right" Pidge asked with slight disgust.

"I clean and mend to it nightly and it was still in my sheath in a hidden pocket on the hip of my boxes .. its not dirty" Keith huffed back as he crossed his arms.

"Don't give me that look, I'm not the one who had a knife in my underwear" Pidge muttered back with her hands in surrender and Keith rolled his eyes.

"Can we just move into the hidden tunnels" Keith sighed as he glanced back to the open floor. 

"Sure but wanna send a single out to your friends, we not sure what we find down there" Pidge replied as they started walking towards the arch.

"Already did and don't worry, its in my watch on my wrist" Keith mumbled and Pidge just nodded.

"Like, doesn't it feel wired keeping a sheathed knife in your boxes .. don't they rub" Pidge asked in a small voice as they started climbing in finding a walless lift waiting for them. 

"Its in a hidden pocket of my boxes" Keith grumbled back as the floor started to lower them and suddenly they were inside a real lift with buttons and walls. 

With Shiro and Lance ..

"Who the hell is this guy" Lance yelled annoyed as he panted for air beside Shiro who stood ready for the stranger next move.

"I don't know but we won't be reaching Keith anytime soon not while he dealing with us" Shiro frowned as he glared at the stranger standing before them. 

They were tall and thin but held muscle shoulders, arms and legs. They seemed light but fast and held a strong punch or kick. Long brown hair tied in a neat plate that barley stayed laying by all his jumping around with his attacks. Deadly dull green eyes stared at them without any emotion threw the dark green mask with dark purple vines paten growing around the eyes reaching out threw the mask. Tight brown all in one suit covered his body, brown boots and leather brown gloves and no skin was shown over the man.

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