🌹 soraya19 🌹

311 14 27

[ 6:31 AM ]

"the bus could blow any moment ray. i smell gasoline."

"well look faster," i joke as i'm in the middle of the bus on top of seats.

i can't believe the bus flipped and i'm alive.

with the help of dominic's powers.

i look for any sign of his stupid purple duffel and my blue jean fabric backpack.

who the hell even gets a purple duffel?!

"it's not purple! it's lavender!" dom yells.

i turn, seeing only the lavender dyed tips of his head.

"what?" i question.

did i say that out loud?

"it's lavender! lav-en-der. not purple... it soothes me."

i snicker.

"hello?! help me!"

dom looks over the seats at me, a confused look on his face.

"who's there?" i question.

"i'm pinned! i'm alive! please help me!"

i try to pin point where the voice is coming from but can't. for one second it sounds like this guy is next to me but then he sounds where dom is which is in the back of the bus.

"where are you?" i panic. "can you tell me what part of the bus you're at?"

"i found your bag!" dominic exclaims.

"shh! wait. someone needs help!" i quiet him. "hey! guy!"

"i'm here! you two sound perfectly fine!" he groans.

"would you believe, not a scratch!" i converse.

"ray! the bus! explosion! we have to go!" dom urges.

"the guy is pinned! and we haven't found your duffel. i'll just itflay with my owerspay."

"i-i think i was thrown from the back to the front," he yells. "i don't know! i can't get up. please! help me!"

i take his word for it and start crawling over the seats to the front.

"describe what's around you."

"suitcases. a seat has both of my legs. please!"

i look in between the seats, his voice nearing. i don't hold out hope that any of these blood covered people are still alive. some of them don't look too good.

i just need to find this guy.

"keep talking. what else?"

"a purple duffel!"

"it's lavender! the fuck?!" dom corrects, yet again.

i laugh obnoxiously until stopping at the exact scene the guy described. there's so many suitcases stacked on him. the seat indeed has both of his legs. it's a string of bad luck on this guy.

i can barely see his face but dom's duffel is wedged in between two suitcases with half of its body sticking out. reminiscent of an arcade claw game.

"hi, how are you?" i grin, staring into his brown eyes.

he's got tan skin and looks late 30-ish.

"i'm pinned!" he grits.

why am i so dumb?

"there's emergency roof hatches!" dom states. "soraya, times running out. leave my duffel, it's too risky!"

"i just need more time! i just found him! and you're not dumb. shut up!" i shout at him as he's pushed the emergency roof hatch open a few seats away from me.

"please! don't leave me!"

"what?!" dom questions. "look soraya you smell the gas, time is up. come on!"

i look between dom, his fucking purple duffel and the guy with the horror in his eyes.

"don't leave me! i don't want to die!" he pleads, seeing my ultimatum written on my face.

i groan knowing what i have to do.

we have to get to apple.

"i'm so sorry!" i apologize, snatching dom's duffel inadvertently revealing his terrified face.

"no! NO! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!" he screams as i crawl away. "DON'T LEAVE ME! PLEASE! PLEASE!"

dom helps me out of the bus first and i stumble around as my equilibrium is off.

i run a stumbled few feet ahead, dominic following.

the road ahead is clear, the bus blocking the path.

i stop and heave, puking everything in my stomach up.

"come on," dom says softly, a hand laying on my back. "we have to keep moving."

he wraps his arm around my waist and assists me further.

"we shouldn't have left," i state, scowling at him.

i spit the disgusting taste out.

"if we didn't-"

an explosion sounds off behind us making us both jump. i turn to see the bus in a blaze of red and orange glory.

"oh my god," i whisper to myself unable to look away from where we just were.

"that would've been us," dom speaks behind me.

from a distance, i hear police and ambulance sirens.

everyone around us dies.

"come on. we have to get out of this area. would hate to explain how we escaped unscathed."

i nod.

i look around, landing on the trees as our safe haven for a while.

"well use the trees, follow the highway. we'll need a map. the phone!" i realize. "do you still have it?"

he smiles, going into his pocket pulling out the burner phone.

"c'mon! you know i have it babydoll," he smirks.

i roll my eyes.

"let's go."

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