🌹 soraya23 🌹

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[ 5:20 PM ]

i open my eyes, they adjusting to the orange tint of a lamp. i look around seeing we're in a motel room.

when did we get here?

"dom?" i call out, looking around the room, finding no one.

"i'm sorry-" i jump, whipping my head toward the deep voice, watching a tall, lanky man walk out of the bathroom. he's wearing the same black suit we saw with alex. "- seems dom is a bit tied up," he smirks, opening the door wider.

i gasp at the sight of a second man in black, pointing a gun at the side of dom's face. he's tied up with tape over his mouth and seated on the toilet.

"let him go!" i sneer, my anger being transformed into energy as i feel my hands numbing and heating up.

"don't do anything stupid," the lead guy warns. "your partner states you guys didn't create MAX20 but all evidence points to you. how did you-"

"we didn't create MAX20!" i yell.

i lock eyes with dom's terrified ones.

it's okay. we'll get out of this dom. i promise.

no, ray. don't do anything.

"that's not the right answer soraya."

agent two cocks his gun, setting his finger on the trigger.

"no! we didn't do it! i swear!"

"all you need to let me know is how you did it, and no one gets hurt."

"i don't have any information to give you. we just happened to be at the places the virus hit."

"you have five seconds."

"we didn't do it!"


"i'm telling the truth!"


a 'pop' rings in my ears and i watch dom's body fall limp off the toilet, blood... everywhere.

"no," i whisper to myself, not believing what just happened. a tear slides it's way down my cheek. "NO!" i scream, creating my orbs quick and with control.

"ray! ray! wake up! OW fuck! soraya!"

i open my eyes frantically, hearing dom's voice. my eyes recognize the truck i remember falling asleep in.

we're parked.

i look at dom, alive and staring at me with concern, shaking his hand quickly.

"you're okay," i say with a sigh of relief.

"you must've had a bad dream. you're crying," he points out. "you burned me with your hands." i wipe at my eyes, my fingertips cold to touch, feeling the wetness from them. i breathe steady, trying to calm my heart from racing. "we made it to gulfport. i say we find a motel and come back here in the morning," he suggests.

i just stare at him. if he's gone, apple stands no chance. i wouldn't be able to find her.

but, i know this wasn't just about apple and i don't know how to handle that.

i don't want to think about that.

i look past him, the truck driver gone.

"he's in the store. we should go. you okay?" he asks, giving me a concerned look. i admire his apple tattoo for a little and then his LBE one.

he must really love his sister.

i respect him for it. it makes me feel weird, in a good way.

i go against my first nature to avoid human contact at all costs and pull him in for a hug.

"thank you for trying," i whisper. maybe he's not that bad. "come on, let's go." i pull away, opening the door, and get out. i hear him follow me. "i like your idea for tonight."


we walk in silence trying to find a motel.

"dom," i speak up.

my heads been fucked since that nightmare.

it felt too real. it didn't feel like a nightmare.

it felt like a memory.

"yeah?" he says.

i think about how i want to ask this question. i don't want to sound clingy or needy or fucking desperate.

"uhm... in the truck i had... i wanted to-" i sigh, annoyed i can't just say what i want to.

"what's up? what's wrong?" he asks.

his sincerity almost makes me smile.

"the nightmare i had in the truck... i lost you. it made me realize that i don't really know you or how to get to apple."

"i've been saying this," he says, shaking his head.

"shut up. i just-"

"want to get to know me. ooh you want to get to know me," he teases.

"shut. up."

"don't cap. you want to get to know dom."

"don't refer to yourself in third person. you're going to ruin this."

he wraps his arm around my neck.

"me and you?" he grins.

"you ruined it."

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